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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Today marks 5 months off the K


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Today is my 5 month anniversary of getting off of clonazepam. This has been and continues to be the hardest thing I've ever been through. I've been in a wave so long now that I've forgotten the last time I had a window. It's been at least a month though. Looking back over the past 5 months I can see a SLOW improvement in my overall baseline. Without a doubt, what I considered tolerable in month 1 would be bad today. That said, I'm excited to "turn that corner" that so many do around this time. I know I have a ways to go but it is so encouraging to know that this will be a great year of healing for all of us!


God Bless!


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Congratulations on 5 months!  I'm glad your baseline is improving (albeit more slowly that you probably would want).  Better days ahead!!
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Hi Steven


Well done on reaching 5 months. I am sorry it has been bad but it sure does get better.  :thumbsup:


Yes, 2015 will be good.




LF  :smitten:




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God bless you Steve! You are doing this! Healing is happening...it is...our bodies are resetting...our receptors are resetting and I'm learning that we can make it through even if it's rough.


Hold on  :smitten:


God bless!

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You'll get over that wave, Steven! Congratulations on getting to five months off K!


I had some pretty bad months, but I'm seeing a change for the better and am so glad that I stuck with it! You'll do it!

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