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General questions from a new person!


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I figure this is the best place to start.  I'm starting my second "detox" of Klonopin.  You can see my story in the intro board. 


So I had a  bunch of just general questions I wanted to throw out and could only figure this place to be the best place.


1: My dosage for the past 6 years has been very very low.  1/4 to 1/8 of a MG daily to every other day.  Even periods of weeks without...  There were times when a pharmacists was telling me that the help it was giving me was psychosomatic at best because of the dosage.  It's only just now that my dosages have hit over the .5 MG mark daily.  Question:  Is this low of a dosage a "good" thing?  Will that mean an easier taper?  I know the first time I did it it was easy.. no symptoms*. Right now is pretty darn rough. (Will post symptoms when I create my journal"


2: The first time I decided to break the habit I subbed with Diazepam.  Should I do the same again?


3: "After the Storm" Does anyone take anything for anxiety that is non Benzo related after they are free and clear?  My psych and other people I know believe I should go on SSRI for anxiety.  Stress and anxiety runs in the family on my mother's side.. You wouldn't believe the cocktail my Aunt is on..


4: No Alcohol??  I'm not an alcoholic, but I do enjoy my wine in the evenings..  I found that most (most) nights I sleep better after it.  What I've read is that you should not have any when tapering. (and then I read something about titration with Vodka??)


I think that's it for now, but I shall use this post if I remember any others..


Thanks, and all apologies if I've misplaced this post :D


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1. When you taper more than once you can be affected by "kindling" which means each taper becomes harder than the previous taper. The best thing for you right now is to taper off and stay off. No more benzos for you I'm afraid.


2. It's probably not necessary because klonopin already has a fairly long half life. The main advantage with diazepam is that you can get tablets in much smaller doses (ie 2mg diazepam tablet is equivalent to 0.1mg klonopin). However you can make a liquid titration with K and that makes doing really small cuts much easier.


3. Sorry I don't have any experience with this issue, although some people do continue to take ADs.


4. When you use alcohol (ie vodka) you are only using a very small amount (1-2mls) and then you usually top up with water once the alcohol has dissovled the benzo.

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