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Shell Shocked


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Hey all,

Well this morning is ground hog day again ,yesterday as well, another bad day from morning to lights out. The morning dreads then despair hopelessness fear and depression. I realize this is part of WD,but how does one cope with it getting worse instead of better? The psych sxs are just plain relentless. And here I am obsessing that the treatment center c/t ,13 month ago has sent me in a much longer and torturous recovery. It's frightening and difficult to imagine another year at this level of psych punishment.


Everything I'm saying about the usual suspects you've all  heard time and again but it is just so relentless that I'm having to reach out more & more. I despise the emptiness in my chest and stomach and the fear of many more months at this level. Do some folks here after a year plus out still wake up to the dreads ,fear terror?


Most of my days are very dificult but the mornings are by far the worse.

I read where someone used the word SHELL SHOCKED and after enduring a year of this crap without any real windows except relief from the more tolerable days and moments, SHELL SHOCK and discouragement is the appropriate description.


It's just so crazy I even started wondering can it be the full moon that ramp up sx from bad to horrific?



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I understand the "ground hog day" feeling.


I've also heard some members describe this as "shell shock" and also as "after shock". My taper was doctor prescribed and very, very fast. So fast it blew out my short term memory and spacial memory.


When I get frustrated (which is a 24/7 occupation), I try to remember how lost I was 3 months ago - literally lost - I couldn't find my apartment without using Google maps on my phone. It was all a haze.


When I have partial windows, I can "see" directions in my mind and easily find my way around.


Do you have any symptoms that have improved over the past few months? Sometimes concentrating on that can lighten the load a bit.


Hang in there. It does get better.  :)



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