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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Only Marihuana makes me feel "Alive".


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Hello everyone,

Before i start i have to say that:

1)I am aware that Cannabis is an illegal drug in some countries (including mine), so I will not reccomend the use/abuse

2)I do apologise becouse my english

3)I am deseperate aND  Dont know who I should talk with.


What I tried to express in the subject, is that the only "thing" that makes me feel real, that makes me feel that I am myself and not a stranger, that i am connected with a past and present is tha use of cannabis.


Of course, before using it i feel terrible, with a lot od SX, but at least i tried - at least for a while- the sense of being alive.


I ve described the above situation to my psychiatrist and he prescribed me an AD (zoloft) without any improvement.


Could it be that ONLY cannabis makes me improvement? is there any similar legal medicine?


Thanks for your constant support benzobuddies, I wouldnt make it without you aND i am asking for help....again



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I used cannabis a lot during my withdrawal and feel that it helped me.  I didn't suffer from much anxiety, and pot didn't cause any additional anxiety for me (at least not very often).  I definitely slept better when I did pot, and I think it also helped to calm down some of my symptoms a bit.


I wouldn't say that it helped to cure me, but it made my withdrawal symptoms easier to live with.


Is there anything out there with a similar effect??  Nothing that I'm aware of although gabapentin seemed to help me in a similar way to how pot helped me.  I could even get a mild buzz off of gabapentin, although I understand that is not common. 

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a 2015 hello to all..


The subject of 'medically cultivated' cannabis is one of the hot topic of this new year, as more states are legalizing its use to combat nausea, insomnia and pain.  As a 3 year benzo-free woman, I do attribute the CBD dominant strains for helping me cope with the chronic insomnia I've had since those early withdrawal nights.  There are a lot of 'buts' about using cannabis for benzo withdrawal however. ...here is one link you may find enlightening: 


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gonna try it tonight after work if i have the guts, very afraid i will freak more


Go easy.  Just one hit (a small one).  I remember doing cannabis when I had not done it for an extended time and it could literally floor me (I'd have to lay down on the floor - it was so intense).  Don't do that - especially when in withdrawal.

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Hello Southern. I understand exactly how you feel. I am 37 and for over 20 years I smoked daily. I grew it and became familiar with many strains the their differences. I love it and it makes me embrace a spiritual, calm side of the word, and actually helps me perform better at work.


I always suffered from anxiety and when I began my taper from Klonopin, I had to completely stop smoking (and drinking, caffeine, nicotine). I had the worst panic attack where my whole body tremor-ed and I went to the ER after smoking during my taper (although my first taper was way too fast). So here I am, two months later, not having touched a single drug except sugar, and yes, my life sucks and I really missing smoking a J while hiking, or swimming or sitting in the hot tub. It always took my mind to a comfy place. So I am resigned to quit until my brain heals.

BUT...please do not listen to your doctor and take any pills! It is total poison and it is a business designed to trick you into buying their drugs. I would advise you to smoke pot if you think it makes your life better. It is a natural plant that has evolved along with the brains of mammals for millions of years. It affects the serotonin levels in the brain (like anti-depressants do) but besides that I think it has great benefits for some people. I found so much more joy in my life before I had to give up pot. I am a deep thinking person and perhaps I liked most the plane of thought my mind existed on while smoking. Take care and please don't take another pill from a doctor for the rest of your life.

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I wish i remembered the article i just read but it was really good. It said that in rats smoking weed in little concentrations had an anti depressant effect. If it past a certain threshold it had an opposite effect. It had to do with seretonin and how its affected by weed. I agree with smoking just one little hit. Give it 15 minutes to see how you feel. I myself am still scared to give it a toke.
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I wish i remembered the article i just read but it was really good. It said that in rats smoking weed in little concentrations had an anti depressant effect. If it past a certain threshold it had an opposite effect. It had to do with seretonin and how its affected by weed.


IIRC, human studies have shown the same thing -- but just as I'd expect, short-term use caused a spike in serotonin levels, and longer term use actually leads to a drop in serotonin levels because of downregulation. This may explain why chronic use has been correlated with depressive states in some research.


It's much the same with melatonin: short term use causes a dramatic (IIRC 50x) spike in melatonin levels. Hence, it can be very useful as a sleep aid. However, lots of studies have shown that longer term use leads to moderate disruptions to normal sleep cycle (lack of REM sleep, mostly) which has a whole host of problems associated with it. (I was reading some paper recently where the author went as far as suggesting that all the negative side effects of long-term chronic pot use, are actually related to disruptions to sleep and cicardian rhythms over time. That might be a bit of a stretch, but it's food for thought).


Insomnia is by far the most common symptom of marijuana cessation (withdrawal) after extended use.

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