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Avoiding situtations or activities where you had panic attacks


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Do any of you guys want to avoid situations or activities where you had panic attacks for fear of having another. My first panic attack that led to my anxiety disorder and hypochondria all started when I was smoking cannabis with my friend which I had done daily for almost half my life and writing a campaign for a pen and paper role playing game. About a year later I had a panic attack while playing a PNPRPG and just last night I was playing a game with my friends and progressively felt worse and worse as the night wore on then I had a panic attack.


It is strange because these games are fun and relaxing and they are not stressful yet for some quirk of fate 3 of my less than 10 panic attack in life happened while playing them. I am not sure if I want to keep playing because I fear I might have another panic attack also I fear the reaction of my peers when I do. Last night I was wandering around feeling super hot, I felt so strange and horrible with it building more and more, I felt I couldn't breath like I would collapse, I couldn't pay attention to what was going one or really understand the situation around me.



I kept having panic attacks at work, this led to me quitting my job. I couldn't just leave my register to drink water or sit down.


I hate being like this because I feel my friends are impatient with my non-physical condition and believe it is my fault for feeling this way and blame me for it. Sometimes when I talk to them about my troubles they seem both annoyed and agitated in regards to my fears, anxieties, aversions, and bodily sensations. Maybe they are just tired and frustrated with me telling them or having such strange demands or aversions, it makes me want to avoid them sometimes. I feel ashamed I am how I am not and angry with myself I can't be normal and fun like I used to be, sometimes I feel I drag everyone down with my mental illness.


For a good while I had food aversions because I would have a panic attack or feel terrible after eating something so I avoided it. One night I had a full blown panic attack after eating some Halloween candy for a year or so after I avoided all sweet things, same thing for booze for about a year or so. I am over that now I just hated being that way.


Sorry about the long rant but do you ever avoid situation or activities you associate with panic attacks or anxiety? Am I alone in my irrational aversions or do I have peers in this insanity?




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I didn't have many panic attacks (just a few), but I definitely avoided anything that would make me anxious during my withdrawal.  I didn't even watch/read the news or watch my favorite football team during last year's play-offs (it made me too nervous).  I didn't drink alcohol for several months, and even limited my intake of sweets (due to palps, mostly).


The good news is that I can now (almost 1 year post-benzo) watch my team play (and lose) and it doesn't bother me any more than it 'should'. 


Interesting that the dungeon master should have panic attacks during RPG gaming.  I know the DM job can be demanding, and perhaps with a lot of pot around, it just tipped the scales too far????

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I rarely ever feel anxious during the game and it is usually fun and relaxing. I used to mind people smoking cannabis around me but I don't anymore despite not consuming it for roughly 2 1/2 years. Playing the game just leads to situations where I am hungry, thirsty, tired or in a uncomfortable environment for a long while. I am going to stop playing PNPRPGs but will probably pick them up when I get off valium and feel more normal again.
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Sorry you're having these panic attacks quis. I think bad's right. They will go away when your nervous system settles down after withdrawal. However, in the meantime you can manage them. First, you have to get it in your mind that they are harmless. You'll never die or pass out from a panic attack. Next, avoidance reinforces panic attacks. Unfortunately, you eventually have to face situations that are making you uncomfortable.


During your rpg games your fight or flight response is being triggered because your autonomic nervous system relates rpg night with panic attacks. It happens unconsciously. But, you can train yourself to not react this way. When you feel comfortable enough to face the situations that cause panic attacks you should do it. When you see that nothing terrible happens to you, you will slowly become less afraid. It takes a little work, but it's scientifically proven to work most of the time.


I'm not a therapist, but I have tons of experience with panic attacks and have been free from them for months now. Let me know if you want a more detailed explanation, or any help with this.

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