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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hi all who can tell me what kindling is i think that might be what happend to me. In early oct i was prescribed 0.5 mg of xanex for a week then when that was gone i started by percription Ativan which i had from previous months  i feel like it turned on me it just didnt seem to be working and i stayed very anxious all day. I was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks later where i was given klonapin 2 x a day which i took for a total of 3 weeks than rapid taper of a week. I  still feel super anxious and like hypochondriac all most all day everyday i cant go a moment without thinking there is something very wrong with me . I get anxious and then lose my appetite sometimes i just cry . Im so exausted does anyone have a similar experience?
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Kindling is the cessation and reinstatement of a drug (benzos in this forum).  Many people report that each cycle of kindling makes withdrawal more difficult. 


Since you already had some Ativan sitting around, it sound like you may have some history of benzo use which may mean that you have kindled.


The rapid detox that the hospital put you through often leaves people feeling as you are feeling.  Those feelings are part of the withdrawal.  You are not sick with some terrible, incurable ailment.  In time, the intensity of those feelings will diminish.  In the meantime, please occupy your mind with things other than worrying about your symptoms.  Get/stay busy.  Eat.  Do healthy things (exercise a little, drink water, ...).  Meditation may help to calm you.


You may also wish to find a therapist to help you develop some coping strategies for your anxiety.  I found therapy to be very useful in getting off Ativan and for the issues that had me take that stupid drug in the first place.

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Thanks i wasn't too sure about what kindling meant but i heard that if ive taking benzos in the past it will be harder to withdrawal later so here i am the first time stopping wasnt as bad i had taking them off and on for a year between 2 and 5x a week then slowly taperd i still felt syptoms but at the time i was pregnant so i chalked it up to just being pregnant. Now i know what i was feeling was not from pregnancy . So i went a whole 9 months to be exact without them then had to reinstate it feels like a major setback. Today is 5 weeks benzo free im doing alot better that the first 2 but have days where i just feel sick.
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