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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I jumped about 20 days ago..after lorazepam use for 4months and tapering for 4.5 months .

I had some okay days but since 2days the symptoms have flared up.

I started with palpitations and now lot of brain symptoms like brain moving in head,scalp hot,dizziness.

Is this normal..

Please help

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I jumped off Ambien 21 days ago and Xanax 4 months ago.


I have no experience of Lorazepam but in saying that , I am having pretty much the same symptoms you describe - palpitations, odd brain feelings , tingling hot scalp and many many more which I wont go into. For me, the palpitations only came on in the last couple of days. I remember this on Xanax withdrawal too. It is those horror withdrawal symptoms and it is completely normal unfortunately.  It will pass with time.

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Yes, as Aoibherose said, what you're experiencing are all completely normal w/d symptoms. It seems unreal, but it's true. Just hang in there! In time you'll see a lessening of symptoms.
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Hi All.

I jumped 3 weeks back. .


Have severe head pressure and ear pressure like on a plane.

Rocking boat feeling.

Dizziness. Is this normal. .

please help.

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Unfortunately everything you describe are all classic symptoms of withdrawal. I am sorry you are feeling so badly. I know firsthand how horrible withdrawal can be. As unpleasant as the symptoms are please know they are only temporary. There will be a time when this is all behind you.
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W/D for sure.  It will get better but no BS in will take time and will be a very hard fight it will bring you to all time lows at times.  Just DONT quit fighting.  It will end after time.
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Wanted some reassurance and inputs.

rocking boat feeling. .a lot when lying down or sitting.

30 days since last dose of benzo.

feeling..of being pushed to one side when sitting on couch with ear pressure.

Any body had this feeling and for how long. .

would appreciate some inputs..

is this withdrawal.


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Have you seen your PCP about the ear pressure, etc?  They could be withdrawl but they can also be sinus related.  Have you tried taking any antihistamines? Especially if that's your only symptom..


I feel one thing, with myself at least, I want to always blame the meds.  But it's Cedar Fever time where I am and everyone's got the head pressure, dizziness, etc because of allergies. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All..

45 days off.was doing fair..

yesterday anxious momen. and everything triggered.

Boat feeling. .Dizziness. .

Brain moving in head. .scalp burning. .

nervous system gets so weak.

been in this last 24 hrs..

feel like crying. .

when will this be over. .


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Yep, same thing here. Jumped off at .25mg Lorazepam. Had most every w/d symptom. I'm averaging 90% – 95% better now at 9 months off. Still have the occasional very rare and short lived wave. You're still early, so just tough it out and you'll get through it. The first three months were the worst for me. 3 - 5 were a lot better. 5 - 9 is all gravy.  :thumbsup:
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Yes, those are all withdrawal symptoms I've had - I also took lorazepam/ativan. You will be ok. This is a long healing process. I'm 5 months out today. The dizziness and rocking feeling, feeling of brain moving, pain, pressure in my brain are all much better. It all takes time - I'm still dealing with over 20 symptoms. You've found the best support forum to help get you through all of this! Wishing you swift healing  :smitten:
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Thank you for the replies.

healing toall.

Did you all work and how did you cope with the withdrawal symptoms at work

I have not worked for 6 months and was planning to go to work in late February.

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Hi, I don't work a paid job but I am a full time mom 24-7 to a very busy now-toddler. I don't get breaks except in rare occasions (like I get to go drive to pick up take out alone). I am "on" for my baby all day and get up with him all night every night. I can't watch tv or movies because we are following the no tv rule under 2 years - I always think that would be a great distraction. I guess you could say my baby is my 24-7 distraction though! I never let it show when I'm suffering badly. It's so hard though. Good Luck for your return to work - maybe it will serve as a distraction for you, I hope so anyway!! Will be thinking of you!
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Kirkhero. I am 11 weeks off Ativan


Went back to work 4 hours 4 days a week last week. Still have many symptoms, past 2-3 weeks have been harder than month 2 but that is just me.  I feel awful but I tell myself I will feel awful wherever I am so I might as well work. Mentally I need to.


Work is a distraction, takes my mind off me, gets me out of house, makes me feel like a normal person. I am a murse and not doing my normal job, Have a desk job talking to people on phone with computer work but do have people there to talk to


Sad part is it makes me realize how not me I am. But I will be one day. I am happy, talk to people and smile while having this anxious hebejebe feeling, with hazy vision, foggy head, and birning skin.. But no one knows. They think I look good..


It sucks, all of it but it will get better, If you feel like crying cry. Makes me feel better. I was never a crier but I can do it now.


Good luck,



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Thank you so much For your reply.

your words were so encouraging and it made me cry.

thank you again.

God bless and sending healing.

u helped me making up my mind. I will give it a try. .


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I went back to work after taking three days off. Probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I stayed up those three days I was off and didn't sleep at all. Then I started a pattern of sleeping only every other night for about 6 weeks. I would just get everything I needed for the next day ready the night before. That way I could just leave my house at 5am when I didn't sleep and get the day over earlier. It does get better though. Good luck with heading back to work. I'm sure you'll do fine.
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do any of you have more dizziness on certain days than other days. .

also I feel the night I don't sleep it gets worse.

Also in waves I get ear pressure with hissing sound.

and the feeling of being pushed to one side or out from the couch and the floor pushing on your feet. .please share your experiences. .

thank you ..

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Hi, Don't know if I really have dizziness I am more foggy head with hazy vision which gets better but never leaves. I guess it is better than it use to be. I haven't experienced your other stuff( knock on wood) but I do know things change and things I thought were gone came back. I weaned from . 5 to .375mg for 2 weeks to .25mg for 10 days and then they said stop..it is such a small dose it won't hurt you physically. Who knows? So i guess I tapered fast but I had all the same symptoms with my daily dose and needed off. I never stablized because I was never stable.


I am afraid that made things worse for me but it is how it is.


So I don't know if I helped you any. All I know expect the unexpected but whatever comes, you can get through it. Just think about today.

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Hi I am so discouraged at the moment. .

got into this mess because of vertigo.

Yesterday night had severe vertigo 2 to 3 times making me so nauseous and uneasy.

Is this withdrawal. .


What should I do. .


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It is withdrawal and it will get better. I had days when just sitting in a kitchen chair I felt I had to hold on. That's all gone now. Walking also made me nauseous and that's no longer the case.


I'm sorry you're suffering so much. Hang in there. I see a healed you, in your future :thumbsup:

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Have not slept in 4 nights.

Feeling so exhausted. .

Took benadryl. .no Sleep.

Will I ever sleep.

Was sleeping ok before off and on.please share your experience

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