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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Has anyone ever tapered off olanzapine.  I don't really know why I am on the drug in the first place.  I crossed over from seroquel because of bad symptoms back in September.  My only serious symptom now is debilitating insomnia.  I have also recently quit temezapam and klonopin. The polypharmacy has ruined my life and I don't know what to do because being on all the medication has not helped.  I have had really bad insomnia.  I am so sick of being drugged out of my mind.  I figure if I can't sleep on the drugs, why take them.  I also have the very disquieting symptom of all over the body muscle twitches.  I know that these can be part of benzo withdrawal, but I am concerned that they are due to tardive dyskinesia. I am a mess. I simply don't trust my doctor and I don't think she is helping me.  She is not supportive and I am getting sick of being made sick by their "treatments".  My life has been ruined by these people.



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I also wanted to know if anyone has dealt with tardive symptoms coming with these drugs.  I have unbelievable muscle twitching all over my body from something.  I don't know if it is the antipsychotics that I have take over the years.  I crossed over to olanzapine from seroquel. I have been on this stuff too long and wonder if I will ever sleep again. 



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Hope you are ok.  I am Seroquel and share many of your same fears.  Will I be able to get off of it?  Will I ever sleep naturally again?  Am I getting tardive dyskinesia? 


What caused you to switch from Seroquel?


Hope you are hanging in there.



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I take Seroquel and wonder madly about the same issue. However, since you tapered off several benzos I would think it might be likely that it could be from benzo withdrawal. Bets
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I was on Zyprexa on 2012, for about 1 year.  No withdrawal symptoms after quitting it.  It helps to have good sleep, but Zyprexa is very expensive.  My expense was about 43,000 (in Philippine pesos) or around $1,000 for this drug alone.  I think it is an advanced medication and I do not feel any harm done by it, except the harm to my cash flow.


It is an antipsychotic and also for bipolar disorder.  I was misdiagnosed, partly my fault.  Anyway, it helped me with my severe sleeping problem but it has hangover.  I should have stop earlier.


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You make a good point about the benzo withdrawal possibly being the cause.  I have iatrogenic dependence on benzos and I have been on and off of them for a very long time.  When I first started to withdrawal from klonopin I had the muscle twitch from hell in my left forearm.  It has since gone away.  It is possible I guess that the muscle movements could be due to benzo withdrawal.  I was crossed over from seroquel because I was having severe physical anxiety (tightness in the chest, feelings of panic, etc.) I never experienced any really solid relief for the insomnia and I still struggle with it every night.  I am thinking of tapering off the olanzapine because any sleep improvement is marginal.  I know they put a lot of people on the antipsychotics for insomnia but I think they should only be used short term and for severe symptoms of schizophrenia.  I hope that I can find my way through this terrible sleepless maze. 



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I hope you get relief from the insomnia.  That's what got me in detox.  I was paradoxical on the klonopin and started only sleeping an hour or two a night.  Made me insane and depressed after one month which then foolishly led me to agree to a detox even though I knew that tapering is a sane and more humane way to go.


Tapering seemed impossible too being in tolerance.  I wish I had never touched another benzo.


ARe you going to try and taper the zyprexa.

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Yes, I am going to try to get off of the zyprexa crap.  I took away 10% this week.  Crazy insomnia awaits me I am sure.



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