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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

1 week benzo free


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Hi everyone,


In just a few hours I have been of from 1 week of Oxazepam. A mini-triumph. I cant believe how fast one can get hocked on these meds. But I cant believe either of how little "good" meds there are for us to use - when we are struggling. Its 2015 - we should have meds today that can help us and not make our problems worse by going on them. I feel its so unfair that people with a physical illness can get better help, but I cant get better from my anxiety even tho I have tried so many therapists and therapy. I have spent so much money trying to find something that will make my panic go away. But it hasn't left a dent in my phobia or anxiety. When doctors tell me it will get better - I just have to "except it" and learn how to live with this.. Well we don't do that to any other person with a broken arm and an open wound. We don't just say -hey it will get better, just let it be and put some tape over it and use your other arm instead - you will get used to it!!?! No.


Oh well. Sorry for the complaining. - I'm doing ok-ish. I have some issues after I stopped taking the last bit of the pill, but if it doesn't get any worse I will be able to deal with this, I think. Just hope it will be over in a few weeks and not go on for months and months or years. I was not at all informed of how huge this risk was by taking the meds. I would of course never have started on them. I even said to my doctor that I don't want meds that will get me addicted. And he said that if I didn't use them daily over a few weeks I would be fine, but I did use a high dose but only a few days and BAM - hell came. But I pray it will get better sooner then later. But I still have my anxiety from what I was taking the meds for in the first place in addition to this withdrawl. So I feel I just have shot myself in my foot. Oh well...it is what it is.  :idiot:



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