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What does gender or age have to do with it??????


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Hello all,

I was wondering if there is any data, anecdotal or otherwise, whether men, for example have an easier time cutting larger doses, or tapering more quickly than women?  Obviously, precluding any outside issues, such as other medical problems - physical or mental health - other drugs involved, etc etc.  Could weight - as on average men weigh more - play a role?


What about age?  Does anyone think it is easier to taper and get off Benzos the younger you are, the more resilient those little Gabas are?


Just musings on a Sunday morning....


Thanks for your ideas!

:) Mana

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For me personally, and I think by observing things on this site for many years....many women have a bit more of challenge when it comes to tapering/w/d. Simply due to the fact that our hormones seem to exacerbate  w/d symptoms as well as being a difficult symptom in and of itself. Many women also find that menstruation, Peri-menopause and menopause during w/d is especially difficult and wildly exaggerated symptom wise. For instance I had pretty normal PMS , but during w/d it became almost unmanageable to the point where I had to not do any cuts anywhere near my period. This significantly slowed down my taper because it revolved around my cycle. I know many women on here have faced similar challenges. Even in post w/d my periods are very difficult still. So is ovulation. I can feel everything because the CNS  hypersensitivity is so bad. I never before felt myself ovulate! And all my other w/d symptoms tend to flare around my menses as well. It really is a pest!



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Thank you for responding, Alabamawerle....I hadn't even figured in the whole hormonal thing.  Yes, of course, there is that....and, although men have hormonal issues as well, they are not as pronounced, nor as well known and predictable (monthly periods, pregnancy, menopause) as women's.
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I also think that a lot women seem to have a harder time because of hormonal issues, however I'm sure a lot of men who are going through rough withdrawals will disagree with that. It would be difficult to quantify it because no one knows what another person's symptoms are like, or who is suffering more.


I know that I personally seemed to have more mysterious hormonal issues while I was tapering than I do now that I'm benzo free.


I also think that more women are possibly prescribed benzos (and ADs) around the 50-ish age bracket due to menopausal issues, instead of being treated correctly with more appropriate medications. 

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There was a paper published in the late 90s (I think) that supported your observation that women have a tougher time.  I don't recall that any particular reason was given.  I think the observation was based on reported and observed withdrawal symptoms during a fairly steep (25%) taper.
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Thank you badsocref and Diaz-Pam for thinking about this with me!  Interesting study/paper, badsocref...  Today was one of those days when I was just wondering how in the world I could have w/d sxs with a less than 4% cut this time....they aren't horrible and certainly not sustained...sort of tolerance w/d when I'm nearing the time for my next dose. AND this is day 4 of my cut -- around the time things peak from here to day 7 or so.  In any case, it had seemed that many of the guys could tolerate larger cuts - especially at the total amount I am at, and at a faster pace. Or maybe they just don't complain as much...I don't know!!! It doesn't matter, really, since what is, IS, but I was just curious.


Best to you,


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Hello all,

I was wondering if there is any data, anecdotal or otherwise, whether men, for example have an easier time cutting larger doses, or tapering more quickly than women?  Obviously, precluding any outside issues, such as other medical problems - physical or mental health - other drugs involved, etc etc.  Could weight - as on average men weigh more - play a role?


What about age?  Does anyone think it is easier to taper and get off Benzos the younger you are, the more resilient those little Gabas are?

Just musings on a Sunday morning....


Thanks for your ideas!

:) Mana


I think younger people have an easier time.    Much of it comes down to hormones.

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