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Traveling into Month Four- doing much better


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I just wanted to check in because the fourth is my 4 month date.  I'm feeling much better.  I would say when I'm not having a wave I'm about 95% healed.  The waves last for about a week every 3 weeks and are getting fainter and fainter.  My worst wave was at week 6 and my doc wanted to reinstate Kolonopin.  I never saw her again!  I'm doing great with NO meds!  The exercise intolerance is about gone, I have MADE myself exercise four days a week during this whole process and it has helped immensely.  Also, I MADE myself study during this process and it is helping my mind.  I find that inactivity physically and mentally makes me feel exponentially worse.  So hopefully the fourth month in continues to get better and better.  I WILL NOT freak out if I have another bad wave.  I will get through it and be better in the end. 



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