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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Social Anxiety, Awkwardness, Withdrawal.


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Does anyone else experience this with their withdrawal? It'd be cool if some people could give me a little insight into what they've experienced.


I want to have a social life, but it's so over stimulating and hard to be myself throughout this.



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Yeah.  I am still pretty awkward when it comes to interacting with people in group settings.  One on one or small groups i'm ok; larger social functions are still difficult.

My main problem was that i was worried about being judged.


That still pops into my head, but at least i am aware of it now.  I can talk my way thru it

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I believe this to be normal at this time it is strange to be in a room with people who seem to be laughing or enjoying a certain part of the event.  happens to me at work quite a bit I just try  to tell myself that there is really nothing wrong with me it is just withdraw and try to get involved and force myself to , and so much of the time it helps.
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I think "over-stimulation" is key. If I hang-out with friends it has to be in a semi-quiet, comfortable environment. I'd love to go back to my social life pre-benzos, but I know this is what's best for me right now.


I tried going to a Lady Gaga concert with four friends this past summer and ended up having a panic attack and sitting in my car for about 30 minutes trying to calm down.


Now when I hang out with friends it's usually in quiet places like my apartment, a coffee shop, or maybe lunch during a non-busy time of day (and even that I sometimes have to be careful with depending on how I'm feeling that day).

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