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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

12 months/skin waves and numbness sensations?


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Hello I'm 12 months off.. And it seems as of just lately my skin looks pale and more reddened and maybe splotchy or maybe its just more in waves..does anyone else have this can it get different or look different diff months? I know it detoxifies last..also In legs I get numbing off and on in calf's like top of calf's down and in waves and arms also like numb sensations..and weak..this still normal I mean wtf is up with this WD ? Pls help. Looking to hear advice and experience..freaking me out a bit been up awhile aswell. :(
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Don't worry: odd sensations of pain, tingling, and numbness are all normal, even 12 months out.  Benzos are a muscle relaxant, so when you're off benzos, the sensory nerves become over-excitable and fire off chaotically, leading to such odd sensations that don't correspond to any external stimulus.  It sounds like you're having cramps or spasms in your calf muscles as well, which is also another symptom that others, including me, have faced as well.


Weakness and fatigue are also to be expected; mostly because being anxious, upset or fearful for extended periods of time is seriously tiring.

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Also suffering from like semi numbness ...feels like legs and feet are falling asleep like I laid on them wrong when sleeping but then gets better to come back again....feet and face are my worst problems but to touch bothersome site I have total feeling...just feels numb and tingling on the inside....

And waking in mornings have a lot of muscle cramping ....bad in feet.....ugh...

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Thank you andrey that gives me peace if mind I umderstand the sensory and firing of nerves after long usage as common in other WD,thanks for reassurance.. The sleep compounded my worry lol and being in a wave on too with the cyclingnthinking and doubts lol. It just boggles my mind that it could repeat again or vime back this far out,stuff I'd poison . no other WD in the world is lime this or nearly as long. Thank you friend. Texas I feel ya pain cramping numbing light aches.
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