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Signs that you are in a wave???


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Hey guys, was just curious how some of you can notice your waves. Do any of you start having irrational thoughts or worrisome thoughts or feelings like this feeling I have right now of being fearful will be how I will feel for the rest of my life. What are your signs that your in the midst of the waves? I also have some dizziness and before I get into what I think is a wave I have more muscle spasms than usual and my sleep starts falling off!!
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To me a wave is when you are staring to feel better when old symptoms return, sometimes for a day or sometimes for a few weeks. Healing is not typically linear, so waves are not uncommon. They are something the majority of members will experience. I think as you get further in your healing, the waves become further and further apart and eventually disappear.
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Thanks benzos are cruel I'm almost 10 months out after 4 1/2 low dose klonopin use. I have been feeling better somedays recently but still have those days where old stuff comes back up! Hopeing this will all fizzle out soon and that I'll be back enjoying life again instead of always being on egdge or fearing something! I tend to get dizzy during a wave anyone else feel that? Or light headed?
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