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Worsening insomnia in post-taper withdrawal, almost every night, normal?


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So I had insomnia before taking Ativan but it was hormonally driven and only a few nights each month. Suddenly at about 16 weeks off of ativan my insomnia started to happen almost every night. I'm definitely frustrated with it but not interested in taking anything for it again. Not sure why my insomnia is worsening this far out in my withdrawal. I'm getting some sleep each night but it's not refreshing sleep and it's not much. I'll occasionally have an ok night here and there. On top of it I'm a mom waking up multiple times a night to nurse my baby back to sleep so when I do finally fall asleep I'm often woken up hourly by my baby. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone on BB has had suddenly worsening insomnia (literally just an inability to fall asleep, not connected to anxiety or not being able to turn off thoughts literally just can't fall asleep for hours because your brain is awake) some months into post taper withdrawal and if it eventually settles? I'm definitely still in withdrawal and wondering how long this can go on before getting better. This insomnia is much worse than my original insomnia - it's literally almost every night now. Thank you to anyone who reads this and can answer!
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Hey Angel,


I also started taking klonopin for insomnia/anxiety, and my entire taper managed to sleep. And then once I jumped, it got really nasty. It actually got worse 2 months after I jumped. I was actually starting to sleep better, and then bam! Same as you describe, just couldn't fall asleep because I feel wide awake. So you aren't alone. Just FYI.


My theory is because it takes CNS a long time to heal from all this stuff. And it's a non linear process, so things get worse and then better, and then worse...and so on. It's hard to tell when it'll improve, but it will eventually. I work full time and can't function w/o sleep for a prolonged periods of time, so after a month of this crap, I finally went to my p-doc. I tried antihistamines, and those worked for a bit and then pooped out. So now I am taking some Gabapentin to deal with it.

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My insomnia kicked in months later. I think we are so lethargic from the pills that it takes a while for our bodies to realise it hasn't got this drug and then swings so far the other way we have insomnia.

Did you have fatigue throughout taking the drugs?

I had chronic fatigue which has now switched to insomnia.

Makes sense really. The brain is trying to stabilise but over shooting.


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Thank you both so much for the reassurance. Yes, I had horrible fatigue and weakness while taking it and have also had it in withdrawal. I guess we just have to keep hanging on and hopefully everything will get better as we heal with time. Thank you so much and I hope our sleep is better soon and our healing is just around the corner  :smitten:
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