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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How is this drug still legal after all the side effect it induces?


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Hi. My name is Dyn0. I've been a user of benzodiazepines for 6 years. Specifically an Alprazolam user. Because of my polydrug use, I became dependent on this drug. I abused MDMA and began to have social anxiety symptoms and started self medicating with alprazolam illicitly. I have now been clean for 4 months (Cold turkey) but in these last days I have been really close to relapsing.Thank you for your help and concern. Hopefully I can be of some help as well.
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Hi dynO :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Congrats on being benzodiazepine free. I am glad you found us. I, too, did a cold turkey withdrawal one year ago. I went though a horrific withdrawal but at one year out I am healed. Cold turkey is ill advised because it can cause severe symptoms. As awful as they are they are only temporary.


Reinstating, or "relapsing" comes with risk because of something called "kindling". Kindling is where each subsequent withdrawal can be worse than the previous one. I kindled horribly because I reinstated several time.


You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. 


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Members discuss their symptoms on the Post withdrawal recovery support.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:




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Benzodiazepines are still legal (permitted by law), because they are beneficial for some illnesses (epilepsy, elderly, severe anxiety, etc.).  But they are regulated or controlled medicines.  BECAUSE THEY ARE DANGEROUS.  And some of us missed that danger sign.



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Benzodiazepines are still legal (permitted by law), because they are beneficial for some illnesses (epilepsy, elderly, severe anxiety, etc.).  But they are regulated or controlled medicines.  BECAUSE THEY ARE DANGEROUS.  And some of us missed that danger sign.


Let's get something clear now.  These poisons are NOT recommended for epilepsy,  the elderly, and severe anxiety.  What b.s.!  Show me one current study that says so. 


And I didn't miss any danger signs other than my own stupidity for trusting doctors.  I was told they were a safe and effective ANTI-ANXIETY DRUG that would correct any chemical imbalances in my brain. 


They are fine for short-term use (1-3 days). I have no problem with these short prescriptions.  But long term prescriptions are CRIMINAL and should be treated as such. 




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Hi. My name is Dyn0. I've been a user of benzodiazepines for 6 years. Specifically an Alprazolam user. Because of my polydrug use, I became dependent on this drug. I abused MDMA and began to have social anxiety symptoms and started self medicating with alprazolam illicitly. I have now been clean for 4 months (Cold turkey) but in these last days I have been really close to relapsing.Thank you for your help and concern. Hopefully I can be of some help as well.


Hi dyn0,


Instead of thinking about relapsing, try to direct your thoughts to how far you have come. Four months, benzo free, is no easy feat; many (if not most) would have reinstated by now.  You should be very proud of yourself! 


It does get better, but it can be painfully slow. 


Just believe in yourself and "tough it out".





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Benzodiazepines are still legal (permitted by law), because they are beneficial for some illnesses (epilepsy, elderly, severe anxiety, etc.).  But they are regulated or controlled medicines.  BECAUSE THEY ARE DANGEROUS.  And some of us missed that danger sign.


Let's get something clear now.  These poisons are NOT recommended for epilepsy,  the elderly, and severe anxiety.  What b.s.!  Show me one current study that says so. 


And I didn't miss any danger signs other than my own stupidity for trusting doctors.  I was told they were a safe and effective ANTI-ANXIETY DRUG that would correct any chemical imbalances in my brain. 


They are fine for short-term use (1-3 days). I have no problem with these short prescriptions.  But long term prescriptions are CRIMINAL and should be treated as such.


Clonazepam is very powerful.  It is prescribed for epilepsy for lifetime use.  Benzodiazepines are wonder drugs for specific cases.  The first Clonazepam I took gave me a complete relief in less than two hours. 


Actually, the danger sign was not shown me.  The warning was:  It must be used for about 2 weeks only.  And I think 1 week is long enough to get hooked.


Anyway, we are already here.  We learned the hard lesson right?  And knows better than what doctors are aware of.


I think putting benzodiazepines in pharmacies will surely fuel debates for eternity. I support Clonazepam, it helped me.


I am not sure if you have the same opinion.



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