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Advice needed to begin to taper


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Hello, I am new and hope I am posting in the correct place. I took 4 mg Xanax yesterday morning and 4mg last night. Today I took 1/4 of a Suboxone as prescribed but took 1 mg of Xanax. I have not informed by doctor that I have gotten up to this high of a dose. (He only prescribed .50 3 times a day). I have about 10 of the 2 mg bars left and one refill of my regular 60 tablets of .50 (peach) Xanax. I feel sick when I wake up and that is with all this in my system so the fear is bad. I have had cold turkey before off of 1mg Xanax use of 1 month and it was bad. I can't imagine coming off of 8mg or more. I see the doctor in one month. Any advice to get down to at least my prescribed dose with what I have and then have the doctor put me on a taper? Thanks in advance.
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