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I was only taking 20 mg of valium a day for three years but prior to that I was on xanax at 4 mg a day. I am wondering if that is really enough to make me have so much fear at almost eight months off of all benzodiazepines. I walk around my house from the time I get up to bed time trying to distract myself and nothing works. I am not working. I can't focus on doing anything. I can't shut the chatter off in my head. I am overwhelmed about doing anything. I start crying because I am usually organized and everything is so unorganized.  Like I have ocd or something. I went to the mental ward on the third of December because I feel like i am rejecting God and doomed to hell. They put me on zyprexa and depakote and that hasn't helped anything. I just sleep now because of the zyprexa. I stopped the depakote. I am the same. I am so restless inside.  Somebody please help me. I am suicidal but too afraid to kill myself because I am afraid of going to hell but I feel like I am living in hell now
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I'm so sorry about what you're going through, been through the same thing, insanely morbid intrusive thoughts like you have, also to the point where I wanted to off myself so bad.  They still occur every so often.


Try this, don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a shot.  Every time you feel a negative thought - any worry, or sadness - coming on, tell it to GO AWAY.  Don't just ignore it, actively keep chanting GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY in your head.  It helped me a few times.

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I have a feeling you don't want to take any meds, but Remeron would be good for adrenal fatigue , thats all I got. Hope you feel better asap.
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I am going through the same thing, minds racing with negative thoughts from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep ( and probably dreaming them as well ). I am 8 months off at this stage and for me its getting harder and harder and I get very low depressed moments that are new for me. From what I can gather its just a phase we have to push on through ( with or without alternative pyschotropic meds ). I do understand and feel your pain though. It will pass at some stage, we just don't know when so the best thing we can do is to accept it and force ourselves to do things even if we don't want to and even if we don't get any enjoyment out of it, at least we will be doing something and our good actions will bring us benefit sooner or later..... No actions do the opposite in my experience... Good luck to us all during this long dark night of the soul.....
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