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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

fear of the fear not getting better


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As you all probably know I have a fear of electrical appliances which has returned much worse during my withdrawal.


I have noticed the last few days that the fear of this fear NEVER getting better is just as bad as the fear of electricity itself.


Does anyone know whether this could be a withdrawal symptom in itself? Ashton mentions negative and obsessive thoughts?


Many buddies have been kind enough to tell me that this original fear can be heightened by the withdrawal process and that therapy will be helpful AFTER withdrawal.


My brain will just not accept this positive thought and keeps thinking it's not going to get better.


Can anyone help me


desperate Ginging 

I'm locked in the bedroom thinking life is over if I can't be around electric.


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Hey ginging,


I know you're having a rough time. But you are gonna get better.


Question for you: Do you feel better in the evening yet? Like do your symptoms die down at night? If so, that's proof you WILL heal. Cortisol is a main source of our fear in withdrawal. What you could do is, if you feel better at night, work on your fear then.

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I have noticed the last few days that the fear of this fear NEVER getting better is just as bad as the fear of electricity itself.


Does anyone know whether this could be a withdrawal symptom in itself?



Yes, absolutely.  This is definitely the most common of all benzo fears.  Almost everyone has it at one time or another.  It will recede as you heal.



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Hi Orion


No it doesn't ease off at all in the evening. Last night I was awake all night in fear of the electric not ever getting better. This fear was just as bad as the actual fear of electricity.


I hope you are right about it getting better. It's bad enough having the fear of electricity to deal with without having fear that it will never go on top.


Hope you are ok xx



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Hi Orion


It's not just the fear of electricity. I have a constant terror (don't know what of) I had this since February and the electricity fear came back in July.


I also have dry heaving, diarrhoea, lost 4 stone in weight, no appetite, breathing difficulties (gasping for breath), panic attacks.


The fear of electricity is the worst though.


I spoke to someone at Anxiety UK this morning and they told me a phobia of electricity would be very difficult to treat. I'm very scared Orion. What if I can't conquer it AFTER withdrawal?

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I think, from what I understand, is that when we finish benzo withdrawal, any anxiety or fears or whatever we had before goes with it. You know from the first time you took benzos that your fear of electricity went away and you don't have electroaensitivity.


So, get through all of this other crap....and then focus on your phobia. The fact that you're using a computer or something to chat with us is already proof you are probably doing better then you think. :)

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