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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

cardio and weight training


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has anybody noticed that if they work out too hard I mean for instance like yesterday I did bench presses lat pulldowns pec deck  as well as some shoulder work with the weights then I finished off with some cardio running and the elliptical didn't push myself too hard but it seems like everytime I do weights I really feel bad the next day is there anyone else who has experience this????
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Yes I know what you mean.  Before , I was on benzos, and before I was in tolerance withdrawal,  I was an avid walker and gym goer. Since January 2014,  I noticed that after I went on my walks or even during my walks or any kind of exercise , I would feel awful.  Just awful. My mind would race and my pain level would increase.  I did not know it at this time that I was in some sort of withdrawal whilst taking xanax and ambien.  I did not know anything about tolerance or interdose withdrawls.  :-[ .....


Many of the BBs here have this difficulty. I had to tone down my exercise a lot much to my sadness but I am back walking about 40 minutes daily. And started Pilates.


If you find this is a problem for you,  maybe scale your exercising back a little and don't push yourself too hard. The body does take a horrid battering in withdrawal.


Best of luck.

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I have to scale back on cut weeks. I was also dx with fibro soon after getting on k, not sure if it caused it. I can push pretty hard on some days, then other days just can't and will feel it for days. I figure my hormones are contributing as well. I do like a more intense workout for the brain some days but not going to pay off if I cause a set back.


Either way look into some compromises and go easy on yourself, you are healing!

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