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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

do it slowly


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  I tried detox centres, in short they were not very compassionate, after 7 days they would release me and then the withdrawls would hit bad around 10 days and i would go nuts have severe phychosis and physical problems...they would always tell me its in my head "do some deep breathing" lol never worked.


  I tried throwing the pills away in the name of Jesus with christians....the withdrawls overtook me into a hell, they would say I lacked faith in Jesus and deserve hell.


  I tried quitting the pills with will power and herbal medicine...same result.


  I found the ashton protocal, studied it and on my crazy path in life found compassionate dr's that would work with me and my success began there, slowly gradually, it has been a painfull path but nothing compares to rapid detox, it was hell, I beleive I have experienced hell on earth for sure. Activities and routine are important, helpls with any depression anxiety etc, especially yoga or exercise...and work the mind ie. math or study something, will make your mind strong and delusions will loose their grip on you.


phsiotherapy for body pain...my advice is line up all these activities before begining to taper so they are already running for you when the chips are down they will help greately.

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Congratulations on being benzodiazepine free. It sounds like you have been through quite a journey to get where you are today.
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I wish that detox center personnel understood the process of benzo w/d. There continue to be erroneous, deeply-entrenched viewpoints that  need to change, and ignorance continues to reign supreme.


Personally, looking back, I'm really glad I chose to taper off. With my medical background, I don't know if I would have survived a c/t.

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