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Sick of people making judgements about my lack of sleep


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Im so sick of people disregarding the fact that my brain has been damaged by drugs. I am so sick of people thinking it is a character flaw or a nervous disposition or an inability to cope with life.

Sometimes I literally can't sleep. It is not due to anxiety. It is due to a faulty brain.

It is so hard making people understand this.

They think CBT or the like will help me but I know otherwise.

Just venting.

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if I complain to my doctor about insomnia she just tells me it is my anxiety, except I do think I know myself better than she knows me. i know the difference between anxiety from thinking and worrying, and being physically revd up from withdrawal. I don't believe all the hype with CBT, if anxiety is physical, then how can you will it away by changing the way you think, you wouldn't tell a diabetic to think their blood sugar down. However I do think keeping ones anxiety down helps keep withdrawal under control. There's all sorts of other things that can help beside CBT. I've found some helpful things on the alternative therapies board.
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I got to a point at one stage where I think if one more idiot said that all I needed to do was practice good "sleep hygiene", I think I would have socked them in the face.


I even had one "friend" rather arrogantly tell me that all I needed to do was learn how to meditate. I told her that I had already tried it and it doesn't help. I then tried to give her the analogy that it was like drinking 20 cups of strong coffee before bed, but she just smugly said "Oh meditation will help, but you're just not ready to be helped"...... Our friendship ended there and then.


These people are ignorant, but it's only because they haven't been through what we've been through, so they don't understand. Basically all you can do is ignore them, because people won't change their opinions if they don't want to, or if they don't want to be better informed.

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Even reading what your friend said has made me angry.

I could be sitting on a beach, being massaged, listening to meditative tunes, eating fresh healthy food, with a guru and I still couldnt sleep. This is exactly like drinking 20 cups of coffee. Impossible to sleep regardless of what is going on in your life, and what you are thinking about.

People are quick to judge.

I wish everyone that judged had insomnia for a little while and then they'd soon understand.


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My insomnia suffering was cruel for many months......no words to describe. :(


I told my Family and friends.....what we are going through here is a number too big for you....,


one more comment or advise .. and.i'm afraid i shall have to dismiss you for good.....


My sleep is back now....i am lucky....Friends and Family seem to understand , or

they are pretending.....who cares......they don't dare to nerve me anymore ! :)


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Gardenia, please do not pay attention to people laughing at you. You are so sweet and there are plenty of people in the real world, not only benzo world, that cannot sleep. This problem is world wide.
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Oh my gosh, I totally feel the same way!! So tired of the sleep hygiene recommendation. I've heard CBT for insomnia is the best insomnia treatment but I agree I don't think it would help with this type of insomnia from withdrawal.
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People who haven't had insomnia just don't understand.


Diaz-Pam - you can tell your ex-friend from me that I meditate religiously every day for 30 minutes and have done for the last year.


But when my body decides it's awake at 3AM, that's it. No amount of meditation makes any difference.

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