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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I feel like I may not make it through


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Sorry to hear this.  Can you get your husband onto this forum or have him watch the videos on youtube of people who are in withdrawal.  There were several videos made by people who post here.  Maybe someone can provide their links.
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thanks but he wants nothing to do with this at all

he just wants things to return to the way they were

he would not be happy if he knew I was writing here

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I think all husbands want the old us and I find this taper and how it manifests in withdrawals hard to understand myself and I am doing it so it is difficult to explain it to someone who is not here and not part of this world. It is a strange one so maybe it is best he is not part of it.

It is difficult to learn to focus on yourself and to turn to yourself for comfort but this is the only aspect of this journey you can rely on. You need to be your own best friend and let your husband find his own solutions.


I wish you wellness and hope you can continue to stay benzo free. They made me sicker because of tolerance so I must come off them. I want to come off them and hopefully be better in 2/3 years time. It is a hope, maybe I will be like you feel right now, it is a day at a time with this and you have to go with YOUR feelings. You are your guide. :smitten:


Moya x

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Dearest V....I wish I could give you a big hug!  I have a husband who has truly tried to be understanding and be there for me but that is not something that comes easy for him in any situation much less during benzo/antidepressant withdrawal.  It has put a strain on our marriage.  I am sick of researching for solutions and ways to cope with the withdrawal symptoms...especially the Tinnitus....so I know he is sick of seeing me on the computer every day for hours.  I know he is sick of hearing me complain, switching doctors, going from one moment of things are better to the next second of a wave.  I would suggest to see if you could get him to go to the nami alliance of mental illness) family member support group meetings.  They have them monthly and it is a place where family members and care givers can meet exchange ideas, vent, and support each other.  They also have meetings for people with any type of mental illness....I am not saying you have one....but if you suffer with anxiety, depression, bi polar, personality disorder, schitzophrenia, etc. they have meetings for support for you.  I know this sucks and you want to be as "normal" as everyone else especially for your family but you are so brave to do this and just keep reminding yourself and your husband you are doing this not only for you but for the both of you and your relationship.  Best of luck! :)
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