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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I wake in the morning and then experience during the day this kind of unglued feeling - hard to explain. Confused. Like my mind is not solid, not capable. It's scary. I want to go back to grad school (at the ripe age of 52) and now feel I've lost nearly two years to depression and then benzo withdrawal. This unglued feeling - common??
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I have this symptom you describe, it is my worst...like If my head were with no brain, head full of air, cannot focus...

Do not worry, it will pass :)

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For me it's a feeling of being on the verge of a mental break down, it feels like any minute I'm going to loose control mentally.  My brain feels strange. 




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I sometimes feel a sense of mental anguish and have severe anxiety and depression due to "low dose" Klonopin use since Nov. 2013.  Am currently tapering from .5 mg. using milk titration 10% per month and am now down to .425 mg. as of today (15% reduction).  Can't wait to get off this stuff but my taper will last another year since I'll go slower when I get to the lower doses.  Like Trying says, I have felt on the verge of a mental breakdown at times.


As you say, in a way I feel "unglued" and am really not capable of functioning normally right now and am at home all the time, hardly able to function.  By the way, I'm 54, almost 55, and was in grad. school when this happened.  I had to abandon those plans and doubt if I'll finish the degree.


I usually feel hopeless but today for some reason feel more hopeful that I'll heal eventually from this nightmare.  It's just a matter of time before the down-regulated GABA receptors recover.  I'm recommending a good book I'm reading, The Benzo Book by Jack Hobson-Dupont available as a PDF file for free at benzo.org.uk in the books section.  He describes how he used the Ashton method to taper off Xanax and gives a lot of other info. on benzos, their effects and getting off them.  He so accurately describes the horrible mental symptoms we have to endure.


Wishing you a new year of healing,


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I know the feeling of mental anguish well.....as well as unglued.  i described it as a feeling like having my head in a mixer...

get well...


I sometimes feel a sense of mental anguish and have severe anxiety and depression due to "low dose" Klonopin use since Nov. 2013.  Am currently tapering from .5 mg. using milk titration 10% per month and am now down to .425 mg. as of today (15% reduction).  Can't wait to get off this stuff but my taper will last another year since I'll go slower when I get to the lower doses.  Like Trying says, I have felt on the verge of a mental breakdown at times.


As you say, in a way I feel "unglued" and am really not capable of functioning normally right now and am at home all the time, hardly able to function.  By the way, I'm 54, almost 55, and was in grad. school when this happened.  I had to abandon those plans and doubt if I'll finish the degree.


I usually feel hopeless but today for some reason feel more hopeful that I'll heal eventually from this nightmare.  It's just a matter of time before the down-regulated GABA receptors recover.  I'm recommending a good book I'm reading, The Benzo Book by Jack Hobson-Dupont available as a PDF file for free at benzo.org.uk in the books section.  He describes how he used the Ashton method to taper off Xanax and gives a lot of other info. on benzos, their effects and getting off them.  He so accurately describes the horrible mental symptoms we have to endure.


Wishing you a new year of healing,


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I know the feeling all to well. It's like my anxiety and depression hit at the same time. So, not just a panic attack, but a depression attack as well. It's a scary feeling but the scary part is at times I just don't care, like I want it all to just end. Not saying I want to die, but the torment seems to have no end in sight and the thoughts can turn very black. I know many here have experienced that dreaded feeling, wanting to live and yet thinking it's a terminal brain damaged illness. I remember when I use to just get a panic attack. They would come, I'd deal with it and move on with my day. These ongoing 'mood attacks" are different. The thought of ending up institutionalized is something I couldn't deal with, so if things don't get better, what choice is left? I get a piece of mind for several hours, but I'm always waiting for the brain demons to attack. And not knowing if stopping the benzo is going to fix all this is just as stressful.
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Feeling less unglued today but definitely like my life is one weird experience, all new territory, not what I ever expected.


Last summer I wrote this poem in a more clear moment for us all:



Let my heart open

Like a child’s on Christmas morning.

Let me feel the wonder of life again

Of crystal waters and green fields

Of wood smoke and snow

Of the sun on my face and wind on my skin

Let me feel the joy of rushing water

The peace of something well done

The comfort of others

Of being in my own skin.

That I may be alive again, no matter

Where I am. That I am alive among others

And feel their warmth.

God, let my heart open again

And give me strength to rise and meet

The new day without fear.


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I wake up feeling unglued most mornings. Shaky, tentative, vulnerable. Lately, I go into fits of sobbing right before am and pm doses. So strange. The better my stomach feels, the less unglued I feel. I can theorize why, but I still feel this way.  :-\ I didn't even have a window with a 70/30 day until I got much lower. So have hope, my friends, things can and do change.


NYC4, that was a beautiful expression of hope.

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