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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Should I tapper down my dose now?


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I have been taking xanax from Aug 2014 to Nov 2014 for my panic and anxiety disorder. My dr lower down my dose to 0.5 mg at once. I know it is not a good idea, but I still stick to that plan. It has been a month since my first cut. I have several withdrawal symptomps such as dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, and sometime headache.

Should I lower down my dose to 0.4 mg~ right now? I am not feeling comfortable yet. But if you guys think it is okay to lower down a bit, I would like to get rid this med as soon as possible.  :)

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I think I should pull back my words. Recently, I had a reccurence panic attack. Its been several month since August 2014. :(

I just came back from my trip with my family. I got a slight headache (I dont know this is from benzo withdrawal or normal headache), then taking some paracetamol. Here, my mind going crazy, I'm afraid of something more life threatening.

I went for my prayer this evening and suddenly the panic went worse. I can't believe surounded by many people was so scary, so I decided to go home, then take my my xanax.

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Looks like you have been cutting pretty quick , my advice would be let your body catch up with the cut first then go another one . I cut when I wasnt ready and paid dearly for it
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Hi Lockie


3 days ago, I changed my doctor due my relocation. She prescribed me with an antidepressan (kaltexin - fluoxetine 20mg) along with my xanax.

I did take kaltexin around a month but it happened before I cut my benzo, I had some problem with my sexual drive as a side effect, so my previous doctor stopped it.

I take the kaltexin this 3 days, but I dont think it help the withdrawal symptomps. So, I dont want to add another 'bad medicine' in my body.


Do you know how long my current dose will get friendly with my body, based on general experience ? 


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Contiki -


Hello. Welcome.  I read through your posts. I'm not an expert, but here's what comes to mind immediately:  fluoxetine (Prozac) is activating and can, for the first six weeks anyway, make you more anxious. Look it up and you'll see that many have to tough-it-out with fluoxetine until this anxious phase wears off, so if you're going to stay on the fluoxetine, I'd suggest holding your Xanax dose for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Additionally, fluoxetine can make it hard to sleep and cause sexual dysfunction.


What I'd do, and what I did, is stop the fluoxetine and continue with the Xanax withdrawal. I am going to see a psychologist to help with my GAD and Health Anxiety, but here's some tips for self-help - At the bottom of this are coping strategies that I'm working on, which you'll need when you don't have Xanax to rely on:




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Hi NeedsRelief


Thank goodness you read my post. I am wondering why my anxiety is increasing this past few days, specially after taking the kaltexin, my doctor said it will upset my stomach and it is not a bluff. I have a weak gastric since the first time.


I think it is a good idea to continue my benzo tappering without kaltexin/prozac. I dont want to add the side effect my worry list.  :D 

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