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happy new year - positive post


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I know there's a lot of suffering folks in here tonight. I was a year ago too. In fact I only recently made a turn for the better a month ago  I'm here to tell you I was bad. I mean my husband was thinking I was dying. I 've had it all. From vibration to hallucinations to the horrible adrenal issues to agoraphobia. I could go on for a very long time describing the weirdist crap that only people in this forum could recongnize.  I'm not healed yet but I'm so much better than I was a year ago. I'm having more normal than not. Remember this what you feel now will not be what you feel 6 months from now. It does get better. I promise and it's huge for me to say this. You will be ok just keep going and distract distract distract. Happy New Year.
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Glad to hear it, healingslowly.  Thanks for the hopeful message to others who are where you were last New Year's Eve.  This topic should probably be moved to Chewing the Fat but I'm leaving it here for a picker-upper for this section of the board tonight.

Challis  :smitten: :smitten:

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Yes, thank you so much!! We need validation from those who are well on their way to enjoying life fully again. Congratulations!!
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