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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Extreme Fear during Wave


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Hi all,


Posting on behalf of my father (see details below).


He's now 5 weeks from his last benzo dosage, and most days he's having waves of withdrawal side effects, with some windows of normalcy in between.  I understand that he could be very well still in the acute stage of withdrawal.  He's currently taking Seroquel as prescribed by his P-doc, which has helped curb most of the severe anxiety, except when he gets a bad wave.


It seems like whenever he's in a bad wave, he loses all sense of reality and is gripped by extreme fear.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I try to get him to calm down by explaining that it's only a side effect of the withdrawal.  He eventually calms down (and feels better), but then we repeat the process during the next wave of anxiety.


Any thoughts/opinions on how to handle would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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first let me say that I am glad that your dad gets some windows of relief. In my early withdrawal I was filled with fear. It was fear attached to nothing. It was terrifying when it happened. This lasted off and on for my first three months. I was scared to death to be alone. Iwould drive everyday across town to a friends house so I would not be alone during these terrifying moments.as frightening as the fear is it will ease up in time.and eventually it will disappear.
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Total irrational fear....debilitating. Mine has now morphed into a more dull constant fear, but in the beginning it was INSANE, everything was wrong with me and I was going to die. I still have these thoughts, but the panic and crazy fear has lessened. Hope it does for your father soon. Keep him reassured. What worked for me was getting medical testing done, although I was wary of the tests, it kind of helped me to relax in my attacks and just let it happen.
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Cold Turkey off of 1.5mg K is equal to CT off 30mg Valium.


Does he become inconsolable and incapacitated ?


During my 'episodes' of this fear there is nothing anyone can say or do to make anything better. I can only ride it out and hope I don't leave reality. Fortunately I was able to find my stable dose when I went to fast, I don't want to think about the undue suffering I would have put myself through.


The brain is healing and it takes months unfortunately. Some people are quicker than others, but a few months is a middle of the road guess from most of my reading, at least until those HUGE waves stop and become just minor waves.


I am at a loss of words in regards to pulling someones medication for their nervous system, which is responsible for about every possible function in the human body.

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