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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

8 months


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7 Months today....Right here with you....although last night I think I had my first lessening of the wave....either that or I was just delirious, cause today I'm not fully in it, but right on the edge. I also stopped my meds yesterday, so maybe that helped a little. Who knows anymore, this process is so long and confusing and excruciating and crazy. Nothing makes sense anymore. But they keep telling me it ends....I just hope they are right.
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That's no good guys  :(


So have you had no improvement from the first month of withdrawals? Or have you got worse? What kind of symptoms do you have now?

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There must be something you guys can pin point as improvement and hold onto that, no matter how small.  For example, when i was in acute i was afraid to brush my teeth or even go to the loo, but that was gone by month 7.  By month 9 i was able to watch tv again.  They were all signs of something changing.  Think of ur withdrawal as chunks of a pizza with each pizza slice holding tiny toppings(your symptoms).  As one slice gets devoured another slice can begin to be eaten. I dont know if my analogy makes sense lol.
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I'm happy to no longer have the intense panic, it's just so hard to be happy about stuff that went away because the things that have come in their place are even worse. I had a period where I thought I was better, not 100%, but it felt like it was trending linear towards the finish line and I just got hit so hard at 5 months. I honestly can't even say I remember what that window was like. I've felt bad ever since, and it's an evil kind of bad. I'm losing my memory so bad, my body doesn't feel like its my own, the world seems distant and unreal and everything hurts and twists and bends and I'm so weak I can hardly type. This makes NO sense. I used to be grateful to at least be alive, at this point I'd honestly rather be dead. Sorry I'm so down, just being honest. I went into this guns blazing, fighting through and ready for anything, now I'm just battle worn and hopeless. I don't wanna play anymore. So are there things I'm happy that are gone? Yeah, but what has taken their place is a whole new kind of hell. Happy fuckin new year...
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Don't apologize for being down.  We all know that place.  It doesnt seem like theres light at the end of the tunnel but it does slowly appear.  You're already doing a great job at 6 months off!!  U probably thought you'd never see month 6 with all that panic! But here you are!  It will pass one day at a time.  Happy f-ing New Year!!
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Ahem....7 months today.  :thumbsup: To be honest, I thought I would be better by now....or at least better than this. The past month or so has been WAY worse than even acute (I'm not just saying that) It's been beyond anything I could even imagine in my wildest acid trippy sadistic nightmare. Yet here I am. Trying to work through. In all seriousness, thanks, and Happy New Year to you.
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That's no good guys  :(


So have you had no improvement from the first month of withdrawals? Or have you got worse? What kind of symptoms do you have now?


I thought I had improvement, I probably did for all I know and just am in a wave.....don't listen to me though, this process is individual to everyone. I used benzos briefly in the past and never even batted an eyelash getting off them, thats why its so hard for me to accept this. But I have no other medical answers, this is the only thing that really lines up. So i continue to suffer, in hopes that it ends.

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Sucks big time dude!  Maybe there is something else that your started doing before you started feeling shithouse again? Could have caused your wave to increase in intensity?

Did you change your diet? start drinking? start any other medication?


Have you tried to change your diet to try and minimise the symptoms?


I have no doubt that people have waves and windows I just think that a wave in month 8 which is worse then acute could have been triggered by something? And if it was, you could some how make it less  intense?



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My diet is on point...has been before I even stopped the K....The only thing I can relate to when I was feeling better to when I started feeling worse even though it was weeks later that I started this "wave" was I found my mom having a heart attack (major trauma) and that day I quit smoking too...I guess that was a pretty big shock to my system, but if that is the case, I didn't go into the wave til WEEKS later....before that I was doing pretty well, just was really depressed.
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It all started one day with me waking up around 4am VIOLENTLY shaking for like an hour....ever since that day I haven't been right and have been progressively getting worse with all new symptoms and old ones coming back as well.
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I was having improvement till I hit 14.5 months out. 16 months out and still worse than ever. I've been told it's my last big wave and that I'm healing. I hope so.
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