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Who is still noticing muscle loss??


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I found a post that was put under general health and well being.


But I too am wondering about it.  It most likely gets little exposure put on the back page.


Anyhow, is anyone still seeing muscle loss at two years in??


Thanks.  Yes I factored in age, but I am loosing more than the average annual amount for a 46 year old male.

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I dont remember if i wrote a post about this but i'm 10 months out and still have no muscles.  Sorry you are still experiencing this at 2 years out.  I feel my limbs are weak and it doesnt help in the joint department neither.  Im only 31 but my face has aged.  How do i get muscles back in my face?? Laugh more? Lol.  I use to have such a vibrant face :(. Now it droops.
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I dont remember if i wrote a post about this but i'm 10 months out and still have no muscles.  Sorry you are still experiencing this at 2 years out.  I feel my limbs are weak and it doesnt help in the joint department neither.  Im only 31 but my face has aged.  How do i get muscles back in my face?? Laugh more? Lol.  I use to have such a vibrant face :(. Now it droops.


Me too. Sure would be nice to hear that muscle tone returns. Good question: how do you get all 600+ muscles in the body back in normal muscle tone.....? How does it happen? What can you do to help this along?

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It scares me. Ever since I lost a bunch of muscle I'm having bad back pain. Pulled my back 2 weeks ago and wondering if that's why. Just weak mucles.
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