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My symptoms of depression are caused by Xanax Tolerance?  I feel VERY depressed and anxious in the mornings.  To the point where I think I should check myself in somewhere.  It slowly abates during the day as I take my doses of Xanax.


Is this REALLY Xanax tolerance and who else feels this way?

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.


Xanax relieves my depression for a few hours.  Really and truly.

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Jerry, I tried a cross-over from Xanax to another benzo and it didn't work at all because that one thing I got from Xanax was a mood-lifting affect. If you look this up, you'll see that Xanax has that side-"benefit" that other benzos do not. So, I think it stands to reason that when dosing with Xanax your mood is lifted, hence it's the wearing off of the Xanax that plunges you down, especially in the morning when you've went the longest without a dose. I found my symptoms were worse the closer I got to my dose. I started pushing my dose back and lo-and-behold the onset of my symptoms moved back, too.


Now, is benzo withdrawal our only problem? No, or we wouldn't have started it in the first place. HOWEVER, do I think we cannot live and live well without the benzo? NO. Absolutely not. We might be fragile, we might have exaggerated physiological responses to stress and excitement in life, but this can be a good thing. We're like super-people, right ;), we just have to learn to harness it and use it to our benefit.


I think that we need to get to a point where we are level in our chemistry and work on how we deal with stress and excitement from there.

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.


Xanax relieves my depression for a few hours.  Really and truly.


So is a few hours of relief really worth the overall worsening of your condition?

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.


Xanax relieves my depression for a few hours.  Really and truly.


This is not a black and white issue in terms of how one psychologically feels. I will validate how Jerry feels, because it's HIS experience—for at least a few hours while it's getting into the GABA receptors despite it being a depressant. This is also my experience. Genetics factor into how one feels. And yes, over time it does tend to make one more depressed. This is the dependent nature of benzos.

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.


Xanax relieves my depression for a few hours.  Really and truly.


So is a few hours of relief really worth the overall worsening of your condition?


Would you rather I killed myself?  It is what it is...

Give me some constructive advice or something.  If you've ever had crushing depression so bad you want to die, then yes you would take Xanax.


I could tank myself up on something like Seroquel to get relief...maybe that would help.

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.


Xanax relieves my depression for a few hours.  Really and truly.


Sorry Jerry, but I'm still confused.  If you really believe xanax has a beneficial therapeutic effect, why do you want to discontinue it?


I decided to discontinue benzo when I was convinced they no longer  provided any therapeutic effect...there was no longer any benefit to continuig this medication.


Does xanax make you better, or does it make you worse?

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No, I think your depression is caused by (or at least aggrevated by) XANAX!


As I recently posted on one of your other threads, Xanax, like all benzos, is a DEPRESSANT.  I will not relieve depression, it will aggrevate any existing depression.


Xanax relieves my depression for a few hours.  Really and truly.


Sorry Jerry, but I'm still confused.  If you really believe xanax has a beneficial therapeutic effect, why do you want to discontinue it?


I decided to discontinue benzo when I was convinced they no longer  provided any therapeutic effect...there was no longer any benefit to continuig this medication.


Does xanax make you better, or does it make you worse?

I don't know...I know I'm dependent on it.  It takes away the crushing feelings of anxiety and helps with depression.  But I don't know if Xanax has caused or worsened these problems.  I know I'm in mental anguish.  I know it gets intolerable when I don't take it...


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I think that all of us wonder if the benzo is the cause or the cure. I think it's both. My idea is that Xanax helped, but in order to continue to help, I'd have to take more and more. I don't want to do that. Jerry has to take it at his pace.
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I think that all of us wonder if the benzo is the cause or the cure. I think it's both. My idea is that Xanax helped, but in order to continue to help, I'd have to take more and more. I don't want to do that. Jerry has to take it at his pace.


Did you experience crushing depression in Tolerance WD?

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Jerry, I know I probably sound like I'm coming down on you, but I'm not.  My anxiety was so debilitating, so destructive, so miserable, I was willing to do anything for reliefe, even if it was temporary.  I was truly suicidal...I understand.  After failing to get relief from 3 benzos (diazepam, lorazepam, xanax), I let a pdoc put me back on diazepam because I was desperate to believe she had a solution.


But eventually, I had to find a better alternative.


If you I understand, continue to take xanax because it has some short-term AD properties, in spite of the fact that it apparently aggrevates your condition.  And I understand that it also gives you some relief from anxiety, but it is almost a certainty that you will soon become tolerant to its anxiolytic effects (as I did with all 3 of my benzos) 


At best, xanax is a very marginal, very short term AD.  There are many better ADs available.  Many folks get relief from SSRIs.  My final solution was Remeron (an atypical AD with anxiolytic properties)  It is possibly the most powerful AD currently available, and certainly has a safer risk profile than benzos.  I really believe you and your doc need to explore other alternatives.


But I guess the real issue is...do you feel that xanax is providing a net positive benefit?  If I felt a med was providing a therapeutic effect, and that benefit outweighed the downside, I would take it.  Unlike many here, I am not anti med, or even anti benzo.  While I feel meds, especially psych meds should should be used with caution, if they didn't have therapeutic benefit, they would not be in the market.


I continued to take Remeron for about 3 years, until I felt my anxiety had gone into remission.


Wishing you well, and hoping you find some answers.

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I've been on a low dose of Lexapro and Lamictal for years now.  The Lex may have pooped out on me.

A year ago, I had profound anxiety and agitation, hence the Xanax updose.  The anxiety is less now, but I experience moderate anxiety and crushing depression interdose and mornings.  Usually better in the PM.  I am dependent on the xanax. 



Jerry, I know I probably sound like I'm coming down on you, but I'm not.  My anxiety was so debilitating, so destructive, so miserable, I was willing to do anything for reliefe, even if it was temporary.  I was truly suicidal...I understand.  After failing to get relief from 3 benzos (diazepam, lorazepam, xanax), I let a pdoc put me back on diazepam because I was desperate to believe she had a solution.


But eventually, I had to find a better alternative.


If you I understand, continue to take xanax because it has some short-term AD properties, in spite of the fact that it apparently aggrevates your condition.  And I understand that it also gives you some relief from anxiety, but it is almost a certainty that you will soon become tolerant to its anxiolytic effects (as I did with all 3 of my benzos) 


At best, xanax is a very marginal, very short term AD.  There are many better ADs available.  Many folks get relief from SSRIs.  My final solution was Remeron (an atypical AD with anxiolytic properties)  It is possibly the most powerful AD currently available, and certainly has a safer risk profile than benzos.  I really believe you and your doc need to explore other alternatives.


But I guess the real issue is...do you feel that xanax is providing a net positive benefit?  If I felt a med was providing a therapeutic effect, and that benefit outweighed the downside, I would take it.  Unlike many here, I am not anti med, or even anti benzo.  While I feel meds, especially psych meds should should be used with caution, if they didn't have therapeutic benefit, they would not be in the market.


I continued to take Remeron for about 3 years, until I felt my anxiety had gone into remission.


Wishing you well, and hoping you find some answers.

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Builder, tell me a bit about Remeron...how did it make you feel?


Jerry, I know I probably sound like I'm coming down on you, but I'm not.  My anxiety was so debilitating, so destructive, so miserable, I was willing to do anything for reliefe, even if it was temporary.  I was truly suicidal...I understand.  After failing to get relief from 3 benzos (diazepam, lorazepam, xanax), I let a pdoc put me back on diazepam because I was desperate to believe she had a solution.


But eventually, I had to find a better alternative.


If you I understand, continue to take xanax because it has some short-term AD properties, in spite of the fact that it apparently aggrevates your condition.  And I understand that it also gives you some relief from anxiety, but it is almost a certainty that you will soon become tolerant to its anxiolytic effects (as I did with all 3 of my benzos) 


At best, xanax is a very marginal, very short term AD.  There are many better ADs available.  Many folks get relief from SSRIs.  My final solution was Remeron (an atypical AD with anxiolytic properties)  It is possibly the most powerful AD currently available, and certainly has a safer risk profile than benzos.  I really believe you and your doc need to explore other alternatives.


But I guess the real issue is...do you feel that xanax is providing a net positive benefit?  If I felt a med was providing a therapeutic effect, and that benefit outweighed the downside, I would take it.  Unlike many here, I am not anti med, or even anti benzo.  While I feel meds, especially psych meds should should be used with caution, if they didn't have therapeutic benefit, they would not be in the market.


I continued to take Remeron for about 3 years, until I felt my anxiety had gone into remission.


Wishing you well, and hoping you find some answers.

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Builder, tell me a bit about Remeron...how did it make you feel?


Jerry, I know I probably sound like I'm coming down on you, but I'm not.  My anxiety was so debilitating, so destructive, so miserable, I was willing to do anything for reliefe, even if it was temporary.  I was truly suicidal...I understand.  After failing to get relief from 3 benzos (diazepam, lorazepam, xanax), I let a pdoc put me back on diazepam because I was desperate to believe she had a solution.


But eventually, I had to find a better alternative.


If you I understand, continue to take xanax because it has some short-term AD properties, in spite of the fact that it apparently aggrevates your condition.  And I understand that it also gives you some relief from anxiety, but it is almost a certainty that you will soon become tolerant to its anxiolytic effects (as I did with all 3 of my benzos) 


At best, xanax is a very marginal, very short term AD.  There are many better ADs available.  Many folks get relief from SSRIs.  My final solution was Remeron (an atypical AD with anxiolytic properties)  It is possibly the most powerful AD currently available, and certainly has a safer risk profile than benzos.  I really believe you and your doc need to explore other alternatives.


But I guess the real issue is...do you feel that xanax is providing a net positive benefit?  If I felt a med was providing a therapeutic effect, and that benefit outweighed the downside, I would take it.  Unlike many here, I am not anti med, or even anti benzo.  While I feel meds, especially psych meds should should be used with caution, if they didn't have therapeutic benefit, they would not be in the market.


I continued to take Remeron for about 3 years, until I felt my anxiety had gone into remission.


Wishing you well, and hoping you find some answers.


Well, it made me feel...normal.


One of the majors sxs of my GAD was waking every night at 3 AM in a state of undefined terror "night terrors".  The first thing Remeron did was let me sleep through the nignt.  If that was all it ever did, that would have been reason enough take it.


But after a couple of weeks, my anxiety noticeably began to subside, and after about a month, as I said, I felt normal.


Remeron is generally well tolerated, and has a limited side effect profile.  The most common side effect is weght gain.  It does stimulate the appetite, but it does not alter metabolism.  If you don't eat more, you won't gain weight.  I never gained a pound.  Unlike most SSRI, there are no sexual side fxs.


Most folks find it easy to discontinue.  I was on 22.5-30 mg/day for about 3 years.  When I stopped, I did a 2 week taper, then off.  No WD fxs at all.  I still took a very small dose (3.75mg) occasionally during my taper for sleep disturbances.

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Builder, tell me a bit about Remeron...how did it make you feel?


Jerry, I know I probably sound like I'm coming down on you, but I'm not.  My anxiety was so debilitating, so destructive, so miserable, I was willing to do anything for reliefe, even if it was temporary.  I was truly suicidal...I understand.  After failing to get relief from 3 benzos (diazepam, lorazepam, xanax), I let a pdoc put me back on diazepam because I was desperate to believe she had a solution.


But eventually, I had to find a better alternative.


If you I understand, continue to take xanax because it has some short-term AD properties, in spite of the fact that it apparently aggrevates your condition.  And I understand that it also gives you some relief from anxiety, but it is almost a certainty that you will soon become tolerant to its anxiolytic effects (as I did with all 3 of my benzos) 


At best, xanax is a very marginal, very short term AD.  There are many better ADs available.  Many folks get relief from SSRIs.  My final solution was Remeron (an atypical AD with anxiolytic properties)  It is possibly the most powerful AD currently available, and certainly has a safer risk profile than benzos.  I really believe you and your doc need to explore other alternatives.


But I guess the real issue is...do you feel that xanax is providing a net positive benefit?  If I felt a med was providing a therapeutic effect, and that benefit outweighed the downside, I would take it.  Unlike many here, I am not anti med, or even anti benzo.  While I feel meds, especially psych meds should should be used with caution, if they didn't have therapeutic benefit, they would not be in the market.


I continued to take Remeron for about 3 years, until I felt my anxiety had gone into remission.


Wishing you well, and hoping you find some answers.


Well, it made me feel...normal.


One of the majors sxs of my GAD was waking every night at 3 AM in a state of undefined terror "night terrors".  The first thing Remeron did was let me sleep through the nignt.  If that was all it ever did, that would have been reason enough take it.


But after a couple of weeks, my anxiety noticeably began to subside, and after about a month, as I said, I felt normal.


Remeron is generally well tolerated, and has a limited side effect profile.  The most common side effect is weght gain.  It does stimulate the appetite, but it does not alter metabolism.  If you don't eat more, you won't gain weight.  I never gained a pound.  Unlike most SSRI, there are no sexual side fxs.


Most folks find it easy to discontinue.  I was on 22.5-30 mg/day for about 3 years.  When I stopped, I did a 2 week taper, then off.  No WD fxs at all.  I still took a very small dose (3.75mg) occasionally during my taper for sleep disturbances.




Just what builder just said. It makes sense for a lot of people. Sometimes, tho I read posts from some people who say they are having a difficult time getting off. I am allergic to every AD out there but Trazodone. I am not suggesting you pile up your meds, but Trazodone has been a life saver for me. I don't care about it's anti-depressive qualities, but it does have them, because I am not depressed at all. The only time I get depressed is when I look at my signature.  :tickedoff: But what I really need it badly for was insomnia. If you try and go either route, then take it slowly and build up. Some people find relief from 7.5 mg of Remeron, while others, like builder, used more. Same with Traz. I tried 50, 100 mg and they didn't nothing for me at all. When I started taking 150 mg, then it really kicked in. Warning however, in the first two or three weeks of use of Traz, you wake up groggy and feel like you have a hangover. Many people quit at this time because they can't tolerate these s/x. But I stuck it out anyway, and after about 2 weeks it went away. Patience is required. Another good thing about Traz, at least to me, it is very easy to get off. Seroquel has also been a life saver to me, truly, it helps tons, as it acts like a strong anti anxiety med to me.  But I am at odds about this drug, as if I didn't take  it, I would be an anxiety mess. OTOH, I find it almost impossible to get off. To me, benzos are easier to taper than Seroquel. But that's just me, again.

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Jerry, I know you say Xanax gives some temp relief from the depression. It is fact though that benzos cause, make it worse as other have said. As Gaba is reduced, receptors not working, it effects the neuro chemicals. Im sure u have seen "whats happening in our brain" It explains this pretty well. Serotonin, dopamine etc are terribly effected by benzos.


Im not saying xanax doesnt give u some relief...only u know this and i believe you. Im just saying what i know to be true for anyone with existing depression.


They have destroyed me. Made my depression unbearable, unmanageable. Ive been bed ridden for 18 months from my depression, and i mean...bedridden. Whatever they did to me, i dont think I will recover from this depression....they have basically killed me.

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Did u have any kind of life on Klonopin?  I know when I was on KP it depressed the hell out of me.


I'm not anti-med.  Surely out of all the medications that exist, there's something that would help you.


For example, I take a low dose of Risperdal At night to sleep.  It does numb the feelings of depression.


It is better than abject misery...


Then there is TMS, Transcranial magnetic Stimulation.  Surely something will help you




Jerry, I know you say Xanax gives some temp relief from the depression. It is fact though that benzos cause, make it worse as other havetu said. As Gaba is reduced, receptors not working, it effects the neuro chemicals. Im sure u have seen "whats happening in our brain" It explains this pretty well. Serotonin, dopamine etc are terribly effected by benzos.


Im not saying xanax doesnt give u some relief...only u know this and i believe you. Im just saying what i know to be true for anyone with existing depression.


They have destroyed me. Made my depression unbearable, unmanageable. Ive been bed ridden for 18 months from my depression, and i mean...bedridden. Whatever they did to me, i dont think I will recover from this depression....they have basically killed me.

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