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i cry watching movies. is this depression?


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I am 6'1 and 230 lbs. I played college ball and guess what. I cry at movies like a little baby. I have always gotten choked up at sentimental things but i cry now even at my kids movies. I have to hide it from my wife because she laughs at me. Is this depression? During acute i cried  everyday for 4 months strait. Probably all together 2 to 3 hours out of the day. I know that was depression but what about crying about things that move you sentimentally?



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I am 6'1 and 230 lbs. I played college ball and guess what. I cry at movies like a little baby. I have always gotten choked up at sentimental things but i cry now even at my kids movies. I have to hide it from my wife because she laughs at me. Is this depression? During acute i cried  everyday for 4 months strait. Probably all together 2 to 3 hours out of the day. I know that was depression but what about crying about things that move you sentimentally?




It doesn't sound like depression to me, but it could be if it also involves feelings of hopelessness, despair, inability to do anything, a feeling of "deadness," and so forth.  But it sounds like withdrawal to me, and withdrawal affects us all differently.  I didn't cry at all for my first two years off, simply couldn't physically(I've never been a crier). I wished I could cry at times, if only to relieve my extreme anxiety. But, no.  Many here have reported this. 


Crying is a catharsis, a way of relieving anxiety, and if it does that for you it's actually a good thing.  But at any rate it's from withdrawal, and it will get better as you heal.



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I also experience the same thing, I cry or feel like crying, is like I feel reflected in the movies with my personal life; like MindSeeker said "empathy". I would say that is not depression but related. We are very sensitive and emotional in withdrawal. I have experienced this also before benzos, there were periods of time where I was very sensitive to movies/sad situations/conversations.
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This my seem weird but I think this is a GOOD thing, or it would be for me at least. My biggest mental loss in this benzo ride has been the loss of feelings. I used to be so compassionate, I gave my life to social work, helping others. Now, as much as I want to, I just don't give a shit about much except my own survival.

I used to be moved to tears on a regular basis by the beauty or sadness in a song, a painting, a movie. I love feeling that emotion.

With every dry cut, I would be come more emotional, feel more. Sometimes it's painful or embarrassing but for me it's a sure sign of healing.

And like you pointed out you cried for 4 months during acute. I've been there, just crying because that's all I could really do. Crying about things that move you sentimentally is the sign of a compassionate, caring human in my opinion. For me the more I'm able to cry seems to balance out with the ability to laugh.

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I get the same, I well up while watching tinkerbell with my 6 year old daughter


Mine has nothing to do with depression. I well up over acts of kindness, courage, etc. 

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I had a lot of this for a long time during w/d, I used get teary eyed or hide myself and cry by the slightest sentimental moment in a movie or ad, even in real life, watching a small gesture of kindness or expression of suffering or a heroic act etc would bring me to tears, it was embarrassing in the presence of others, I still get it but am in better control, for me it was the pain and misery of the w/d process and also the weird state of mind from the symptoms which made me emotional very fast.


It's w/d don't worry, I think we are not able to handle emotions like normal people, I'm not sure if it's depression, that makes me do harmful things to myself.

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I have this too, but in my case it's not related to depression. It's more like my emotions are on overdrive. It's so strange, because I still can't experience certain feelings, namely love and joy. I think my emotions were suppressed on the drugs and they're gradually coming back.


I had a lot of this for a long time during w/d, I used get teary eyed or hide myself and cry by the slightest sentimental moment in a movie or ad, even in real life, watching a small gesture of kindness or expression of suffering or a heroic act etc would bring me to tears,


I'm the same. I'm more likely to cry over acts of kindness and sometimes heroism and courage (be it from a movie or from real life) than sad scenes, although that happens too. When I was in the ER 2 months back, there was a very old and frightened patient next to me. The doctor and the nurses treated him with the utmost kindness, and I burst into tears because I had witnessed old and senile people being treated like crap in other hospitals. The doc and the nurses thought I was crying from the pain. Yesterday I couldn't handle watching Ice Age (a cartoon!) because the sad and touching scenes felt too much :laugh:

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