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What do you do to calm down?


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Now while tapering and in preparation for post withdrawal? Teas, hot showers, supplements?


I was talking to my therapist today and she is encouraging me to start practicing relaxation techniques more often.


Praying helps, trying to meditate, bought a mindfulness self help book, positive or calming suggestions to myself. 


I am really bad about this and don't take hardly anytime to try and do these techniques. Need to start practicing.

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Distraction with music, netflix, bb, YouTube videos, deep breathing, tapping, standing outside in th freezing cold air for a min, games on iPad, .....constantly changing what I am doing if it's not working. Just switch from one thing to the next all day. Keep busy, occupied doing something....even if that is just watching House on netflix. Keeps my mind active and away from the crap that brews.



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What Grinch said; Distraction!!  That will ward off lots of worry and lessen the need to calm down. If you do find yourself feeling panicked, then all the techniques your therapist mentioned are good.



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I hike, put one foot in front of the other, outside, up mountains, it's rhythmic and life changing.  :thumbsup:

I listen to gentlewhispering on youtube, asmr videos.  :)

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"May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be peaceful and at ease".


"As you say these phrases, again sink into their intention or heartfelt meaning. And, if any feelings of loving-kindness arise, connect the feelings with the phrases so that the feelings may become stronger as you repeat the words."-Meditation from Metta Institute


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If I am at home, I embrace one of my dogs and breath deeply...

If I at work, I go ouside for a walk...

When anxiety becomes unbearable, I look up to the sky and say to myself: this will pass, you got through so horrible moments in the past that this is nothing compared to those tragedy loses, you are a warrior, you always win, you are my hero, you are so beautiful, you are much more than this... :)

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If I am at home, I embrace one of my dogs and breath deeply...

If I at work, I go ouside for a walk...

When anxiety becomes unbearable, I look up to the sky and say to myself: this will pass, you got through so horrible moments in the past that this is nothing compared to those tragedy loses, you are a warrior, you always win, you are my hero, you are so beautiful, you are much more than this... :)


This works for me. I have a chihuahua that loves hugs... :smitten:

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I put my head under cold water using my shower head, Don't know if thats scientific at all lol, also self talk and putting my trust in god.
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I buy PennyPress variety puzzle magazines and do puzzles in bed with a pencil and listen to talk radio and suck on hard candy. 
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