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percentages going up as I go down


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It was just brought to my attention that as I have been cutting the % that I cut has increased...duh


so in the beginning of this taper I was cutting 2%


this last cut was 8%



hmmmmmmm  now what do I do about this? Do not want to slow things down. but can not keep increasing the % of my cuts either


daily micro tapering is starting to sound where I am going to be headed. If that would even make any difference.

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I think that is the case with all of us who are tapering and prob why some do go to daily tapering. But at some point if you are doing a cut and hold method the %s will get higher and higher. I know mine is. When I drop .0625 from .25 it will be a 25% cut. Then my last cuts will be 50% and 100%. Just how it works out with a dry cut and hold. Hopefully the body can endure these cuts at that point.



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daily micro tapering is starting to sound where I am going to be headed. If that would even make any difference.


Of course I'm sure you know I'm going to say this is the way to go...  ;)  It will make a huge difference. I'm certain of that.


Percentages will increase as your dose comes down if you keep making the same sized cuts. However, with a daily taper you really don't even bother about percentages at all. You just find a daily cut that suits you and you stick to that until you feel the s/x are increasing. Then you either hold, or you hold and decrease the size of your daily cuts. It's very simple really.

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Diaz-Pam, I left a lengthy post on the vodka titration thread.


If you are willing to help me figure this all out I may try it.


I have a billion questions and guess I first need to know what I need to start and where do I get these things.


then I would need someone to write out a titration plan for me. I suck at math and can not get my gog fog head out of my butt long enough to absorb what is being said to me.



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I left a detailed response on your titration post.  And included a comment that at 6.5mg/day, .5 cuts per 10 days is pretty aggressive.


I suggest you start a daily titration, and maybe .025/day (.25 per 10 days).

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