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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

intrusive thoughts/Anxiety


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Hi 3 weeks today benzo free but still suffering from anxiety off and on is it me or withdrawal? Im starting to notice i have good days where i feel "normal" and then days where im in complete panic mode for days at a time and fixate on every ache and pain and start to think the worst  drives me crazy . I get overwhelmed by these roller coaster emotions how long until im in the clear ? Also i get this foggy head sensation and stomach discomfort comes and goes any positive feedback greatly appreciated.
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It's not you, it's withdrawal. You are normal! As so many have told me, since we are each so different genetically, there is no way to say how long it will take you to heal. Give your body time and take things a moment, an hour, or a day at a time.  :smitten:
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Yeah i thought so also but my pcp assured me this was gonna be a breeze and she was so wrong . I can definitely see that now that ive been suffering from w/d . The first 2 weeks after were really brutal and i believe i may have been experiencing wds while taking the ativan which is the whole reason i x to clonazepam. Somedays i feel so terrible like today just an overall ill feeling i just tell myself it has to be wd related
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