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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Joint pain at 10 months!


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Is it common to have joint pain this far out?  Ive been dealing with sudden joint pain in my knees and elbows and im cracking like a cracker all over.  I did have a tiny amount of osteoarthritis in my lower back but my pain has always been localized to that area, but 5 months into withdrawal i started experiencing a sudden pain in my arms and legs.  Why would it suddenly happen mid-healing and all at the same time???  It was both knees at the same time and then give or take a month, both elbows started hurting.  Can someone explain the healing process that causes this?


Is it safe to take tumeric during withdrawal?

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  • 1 year later...
Hi! I'm not sure if you're still having these symptoms but I am 10 months out and am having severe joint pain in my knees. I also have low back pain and left hip pain. Let me know how you're doing! I hope you're doing so much better!
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I actually forgot i even posted this, so i hope that is an indicatoon of how far i've come.  While the joint pain has improved tremendously it is still with me.  I suspect i still have a lot of inflammation happening in my body and have been working to bring it down but it truly is a challenge if i dun get my immune system up and running like a well oiled machine.  I did take the curcumin but it had to be taken with black pepper to be effective and it worked wonders.  I bought curcumin 2000x by this company called Bell's as it had the two ingredients in one capsule.  All in all, the fact there has been improvement at all is a sign that it is all withdrawal.  I hope this helps as i know the joint pain can be so bothersome.
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I've been having little bouts with it after being gone a long time.

Same areas knees, hips, lower back, it was very low for six months.

Had the same thing with night jolts. Went away, came back, went away again.

Glad you got a little relief.

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I'm so happy you are feeling better! Time is our best friend! The joint pain is awful!! I'm just thankful I got through the acute stage alive! I can deal with this if I know the end is in sight! Thank you for responding!! :)
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Yes 10 months out and I am stiff and lots of joint pain.Have had bizarr knee pain off and on since i came off.!0th month out has reminded me of the acute stage and nothing cute about this!!! :) Its really weird how  this healing and waves and windows work!!
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