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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

One week today post jump!


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I jumped a week ago! Am doing ok. I do wish I had less anxiety and more confidence that I'll be 100%, but I remain functional. Luckily I'm off work until Jan. 4 and so give myself permission to rest or get in the car and do something "normal" to help me feel normal.


I'm still symptomatic, but it lessens by tiny degrees. My symptoms are mainly:


- worrisome thoughts (my anxiety)

- ringing in ears (not too loud)

- GI symptoms

- tingling/burning around lips and mouth (coincides with ringing in ears)

- shallow breathing when anxious


Positive symptoms/side-effects:


- better memory and recall (I even changed my signature to more accurately reflect my journey)

- icy/cold patches felt on underside of forearms and tingling in extremities has went away

- reduction in severity of above symptoms

- overall positive outlook

- Sleeping much, much better. 8 hours per night with only occasional insomnia.


Things that helped:  B12 and B-Complex, though others have said these made them worse; Conscious breathing, engaging my diaphragm; taking Aleve 2 x per day to help with anything inflammatory going on from the withdrawal. I don't recommend this to everyone. I did see a doctor and had a battery of very invasive testing.


I will be changing my forum name to better reflect my journey.  Thanks for positive feedback. Please, always keep it positive.  Much appreciated.

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WorstIsOver sounds great!  LOL :)


I want to be Seeker. As my journey has been one of seeking a deeper faith, too. When I joined BB, I seriously needed relief, so it was appropriate at that point.


How are you doing? 

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I think many would like to change their forum user names, but it would be a nightmare trying to sort out who was who if we did.  I've been on the forum for nearly three years and have never seen anyone officially have a name change.


I'd just sign each post with the new name you want to be addressed by instead.  People will get used to thinking of you with that name.


Challis  :smitten:

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I think many would like to change their forum user names, but it would be a nightmare trying to sort out who was who if we did.  I've been on the forum for nearly three years and have never seen anyone officially have a name change.


I'd just sign each post with the new name you want to be addressed by instead.  People will get used to thinking of you with that name.


Challis  :smitten:


Good point, Challis.  It would be confusing.

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Since many of us came up with a forum name quickly, because we need to 1) protect our identity, and 2) get posting and get help or help others, as quickly as possible, maybe it would be ok to allow users/posters one name change, like Yahoo does, but have it always refer back to original name.  The forum name I picked made sense for all of two weeks, but this will be a longer journey.


I do understand your points, but still feel it would be ok to have a one-time name change.

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Since many of us came up with a forum name quickly, because we need to 1) protect our identity, and 2) get posting and get help or help others, as quickly as possible, maybe it would be ok to allow users/posters one name change, like Yahoo does, but have it always refer back to original name.  The forum name I picked made sense for all of two weeks, but this will be a longer journey.


I do understand your points, but still feel it would be ok to have a one-time name change.


We have over 17,000 members.  Granted only a percentage are active at any one time, but even with one name change...  :o

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Dear Challis and other moderators, I'm not "quitting" this site over the rule. I just think that members should be able to change their own name, at least once. I can't be the only person who needed to come up with a name quickly in order to start "talking" to others. I remember thinking at the time: "I have no idea what to call myself ... can't call myself what I normally would ... ah well, I'll change it later."  Only to learn I can't and that I am attached to the help found here and the people here. I just feel there could be more flexibility. It wouldn't be that hard to have an extra line below where someone could fill-out their original name. It would almost tie-into the journey as documented in the signature.


Cathy (how 'bout that)

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Dear Challis and other moderators, I'm not "quitting" this site over the rule. I just think that members should be able to change their own name, at least once. I can't be the only person who needed to come up with a name quickly in order to start "talking" to others. I remember thinking at the time: "I have no idea what to call myself ... can't call myself what I normally would ... ah well, I'll change it later."  Only to learn I can't and that I am attached to the help found here and the people here. I just feel there could be more flexibility. It wouldn't be that hard to have an extra line below where someone could fill-out their original name. It would almost tie-into the journey as documented in the signature.


Cathy (how 'bout that)


I think there have been times when members here have closed one account and opened another in order to change their names.  You have that option if you want to use it. 


I'm merely trying to explain to you that this causes confusion for everyone else, so we don't generally do it.

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