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Nerve Tonic and Benadryl?


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I've been having a fairly nice long window recently that came to a sudden abrupt end a few days ago.  I had been feeling very happy, optimistic, anxiety free, headache free, etc.  (Despite being very stressed out due to an upcoming move!).  In one day I went from being fine and feeling great, to being irrationally angry again (similar to acute, but not as intense), spacey, a little DP/DR, headache, etc.  It really seems to have hit me when I took a combination of benadryl and Nerve Tonic ( http://hylands.com/products/hylands-nerve-tonic%C2%AE).  I've taken the nerve tonic alone before and been fine (even felt really good) and I've taken benadryl alone and haven't had any lasting issues.  Could the combination of these two cause a wave to onset?  Or might it be something else?  I had to take the benadryl - I'm packing up my place and the dust I've kicked up has made my allergies pretty bad.


I miss my old window...

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Hey ehm,

  Don't know for sure, but looking at the active ingredients of the tonic would make me think that you might have had a reverse reaction to the benadryl...the term for that is escaping my swiss cheese memory at the moment...but it's not an uncommon occurrence for benadryl( diphenhydramine HCl).

I did note that the tonic has lactose, so if you are lactose intolerant...? Hope that window is returned in good condition right away!    mike

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