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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

just starting to taper and terrified


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I'm 46 and have been prescribed klonipin for 6-7 years now.  I didn't take it everyday but I think my Dr has me on a too low of dosage to start this (1.5 mg)  I was taking anywhere from 0-8mg a day.  (8 mg being my daily recommended dosage was just too much so I've been 'playing' with the dosage for all these years.)


I'm scared to death to be in dire misery from months to years going through this.  Plus, my Dr is not that knowledgeable on benzo withdrawal.  Any help is appreciated.


Thank you

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Hello Etta46 :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies


I know it can be scary, but try not to worry, you can do this.  Are you familiar with the  Ashton Manual , it is an excellent resource for information about these medications and gives a lot of information about withdrawal/tapering. 


Here is a link to the manual: Ashton Manual


A slow taper can help minimize withdrawal effects.  It is generally recommended to taper no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days.  This is a guideline and it is ok to adjust this schedule for  your own comfort.


We have a great community here of knowledgeable and friendly people who understand this process.  They will be willing to share their experience with you.  Feel free to ask questions so that members can respond


Here are some helpful links:


Withdrawal Support


General Taper Plans


If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to”Create a signature”


Welcome aboard




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You can do it from where you're at. I didn't do anything other than cut my Xanax about every two weeks and I held when I felt that it wasn't prudent to cut again. I didn't do any crossover to another drug, or buy a special scale and shave off grains. I just listened to my body and symptoms and kept moving. I stayed working the whole time, with only two days out when it was very rough. You're in control. 

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Thank you for your reply.  It gives me hope.  I'm so tired of the horror stories and fear its causing me, even though I know these 'stories' are very real and necessary to share for some.


Since I had no idea what dosage to start tapering from, I decided to start at 2 mg (klonipin).  So far, can't tell if the relatively mild withdrawals are from too low of a dose or general withdrawals from alcohol/drugs that I quit two weeks ago today.  Oh well, I'll figure it out.


thanks again,

etta  :)

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Hi, Etta, your first post was on the 29th, and it's the 1st in your locale, so you are doing pretty good so far. My withdrawal symptoms seemed to reach their peak at day 3 and would stabilize, kind of, at the 7 - 10 day point. If it were me, trying to feel my way, I'd stay at the 2mg you decided to start at for another 5 - 10 days.  If you're still categorizing your symptoms as "mild," then take it down again. Most here would tell you to reduce by only 10%, but that's difficult to do without liquid titration or a micro-grain scale.  I don't know the dosage equivalence of Klonipen to Xanax, so maybe someone who weaned from Klonipen can tell you.


Just don't rush and try and have a determined attitude. Good luck, but I think you got this. Expect a bit more of a bumpy road, but you should be ok.

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welcome  :) I was on benzodiazepines for over a decade. I stopped one year ago. I went though a tough withdrawal because I stopped cold turkey. However, I am healed now. I personally believe a slow taper can greatly reduce the chances of severe symptoms.


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Fellow 46 year old and Klonopin user.

First congrats on finding the group and second, BIG CONGRATS on joining!

I was a lurker for years going from 3mgs daily to 1mg.

I'm currently tapering from 1 to none!

A few things to keep in mind.

You will read a lot of horror stories, you probably won't find many easy taper stories.

They do happen though.

I know they do because my first taper to get to 1mg was very slow (2 years) and I had some symptoms but nothing that I would say was a horror story.

Try to focus on that fact.

Fearing all the drama and scary stuff is actually your brains way of dealing with it's fear.

Your brain is doing what brains do, it's thinking, planning, worrying...but brains also dream, love, hope and are full of kindness.

Focus on your brain being a brain and your body being a body.  Just observe them, journal, not your feelings, especially the good ones.  I use a email service that sends me emails from the past with journals in them.  It helps me see all the positive in the world.

When you do get fearful (I was fearful and anxious about an hour ago, HR at 110) just get through. 

You've felt it before, and it's just your body and mind doing what they do.  Distract yourself, but when it passes, make notes on how it felt, thank your body, thank your mind. 

For me, a lot of my day is just observing my body and mind, and when it's dark and scary, i try to just watch it. When I can't sit still, I will just let myself be distracted. There is no right way to talk with your body.

You're not alone Etta.  You're not broken.  I have faith in you.  Be kind to yourself.

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Fellow 46 year old and Klonopin user.

First congrats on finding the group and second, BIG CONGRATS on joining!

I was a lurker for years going from 3mgs daily to 1mg.

I'm currently tapering from 1 to none!

A few things to keep in mind.

You will read a lot of horror stories, you probably won't find many easy taper stories.

They do happen though.

I know they do because my first taper to get to 1mg was very slow (2 years) and I had some symptoms but nothing that I would say was a horror story.

Try to focus on that fact.

Fearing all the drama and scary stuff is actually your brains way of dealing with it's fear.

Your brain is doing what brains do, it's thinking, planning, worrying...but brains also dream, love, hope and are full of kindness.

Focus on your brain being a brain and your body being a body.  Just observe them, journal, not your feelings, especially the good ones.  I use a email service that sends me emails from the past with journals in them.  It helps me see all the positive in the world.

When you do get fearful (I was fearful and anxious about an hour ago, HR at 110) just get through. 

You've felt it before, and it's just your body and mind doing what they do.  Distract yourself, but when it passes, make notes on how it felt, thank your body, thank your mind. 

For me, a lot of my day is just observing my body and mind, and when it's dark and scary, i try to just watch it. When I can't sit still, I will just let myself be distracted. There is no right way to talk with your body.

You're not alone Etta.  You're not broken.  I have faith in you.  Be kind to yourself.


Thank you NotBroken,


You have given me renewed hope. 




You can do this.  It ain't fun, but it does get better over time.



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