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In trouble...had to take .5 mg of klonopin for panic attacks that won't subside


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last night and this afternoon....been begging my psy for an appointment and can't get one until January 9th.  His advice is to take the .5mg klonopin until the appointment.  I feel like such a failure...8 months off and all that hard work down the toilet.  The panic attacks were so back that I had suicidal thoughts.  Should I take the klonopin until the 9th of January?  Will I go through withdrawal all over again?
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Will you go through w/d if you take Klonopin till January 9? Yes. All over again? No one knows. It's possible if your CNS is highly sensitized. You're NOT a failure, but please reconsider it.
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kindling is when multiple reinstatements make your next one recovery harder and longer ......


please don't take it.....


i wish i could go back in time and escape from my evil parents, so now i would be happy !!!!!!



take care :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Been there with the non stop panic attacks. You have to want to be off these drugs, its not easy but I made the decision to never touch another one when I found out what this pure poison did to me. You need to find coping skills-- meditation, long walks, exercise, anything that works for you.
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I'm curious about this too. I took rescue doses, only over a 26 hour period though and don't plan on any more....it was forced at about 6 months out. Obviously it could cause a bump in the road of healing, but in that short amount of time could it have really set me back that far? Anyone have some input?
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Yes, me too.....At 6 months out I took more then one rescue dose - too embarrassed to tell you how many days I took it for. I don't even like to call it that. But yeah it did take away some of the physical pain that I deal with. Now 11 days later I feel like I am back to square one again with w/d symptoms; sweats, chills, head pressure, headache, light sen., pins and needles in face and bad dr/dp, ect.


I need to find another med to help w/ my pain issues or I will be the leaking boat scenario.




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I don't know if this will help, but as bad as things seem now, kindling (stoping and starting a benzo) will (very likely) make it worse in the long run. Did you try the Vistaril? Even though it feels horrible right now, taking a dose of K could make the situation worse down the road. Try and tough it out if you can....(I wish I would have had that advice when I was in tolerance withdrawal)
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Last 6 weeks I've been getting non stop panic attacks. It's freaking horrible and I don't know what to do about them either. After one is over I get really fatigued and my heat rate gets really slow
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I had unrelenting anxiety too for 6 months straight after I quit. I did what others tell you never to do I went back on a tiny dose, rather than go back on a huge dose. I took 2 mg's of diazepam for 6 months, then got off it and have been drug free for over 3 months. It's not nearly as bad as the taper i did before that. It's not the worst thing, but remember the higher you keep the dosage the harder it will be to quit. .5 a mg is equal to 10 mg's diazepam, so it's quite a bit to have to quit from next time. I can't agree with everyone here, about sticking it out because I know how bad panic attacks are. If it's possible can you see your GP doctor, or possibly a walk in clinic, and see if they can give you a non addictive, non benzo drug to take temporarily until you can see your psy doc?


I got my doctor to prescribe me a beta blocker and that helped some. Even benadryl to some extend helped my anxiety if it does so indirectly by helping me sleep.

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I would not take it,ur not a failure but your risking recovery. It can inevitably send you back to square one maybe not as intense but reset the receptors and healing. Or maybe not all the way back but a huge portion..huge setback. Its likebrussian roulette. Don't let the addiction win don't ever take one again regardless of if a doctor says too,after all you've been thru,you no deep down by can't. It doesn't make it ok. And one leads to more and more until completely starting over after a flare from one. It can take one single dose to make you go thru it again but not as bad because of how much time off healing vs the one dose but still hell. Panic is common in life and a lot in WD you have to cope and find ways to deal with it until farther healing. You were a couple months away from feeling a lot better or decent. U were right there. 12 months is a godsend. Gl be safe
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I am here and trying my best not to take any more klonopin.  I took .5 mg on the 18th and then .5 mg on the 28th and .5 mg on the 29th but non since.  What I think is happening is I tried to quit my last psycho drug which is 25 mg of Elavil....I lasted about a week being psycho drug free and then I guess my body said whoa.....there....you have been on antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds for over 19 years and you need to slow it down.  I have since gone back on the 25 mg of Elavil but that is it.  I also think I have adrenal fatigue and have severe cortisol rushes through out the day.  I seem to have one late morning, then from about 2 pm until about 4 pm I have a constant cortisol/anxiety stage where I feel like I could have a panic attack at any minute but don't actually go into a full panic attack.  I also get the cortisol rushes sometimes between 5 am - 8 am.  I hate them.  I am trying to figure out ways to handle them better so today I started back on the elliptical for 35 minutes....it has been a year since I have be on there.  Thanks for the support!
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I reinstated on a very low dose for a month and it threw me back to acute withdrawal, kindling and starting the healing process from square one.
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I had unrelenting anxiety too for 6 months straight after I quit. I did what others tell you never to do I went back on a tiny dose, rather than go back on a huge dose. I took 2 mg's of diazepam for 6 months, then got off it and have been drug free for over 3 months. It's not nearly as bad as the taper i did before that. It's not the worst thing, but remember the higher you keep the dosage the harder it will be to quit. .5 a mg is equal to 10 mg's diazepam, so it's quite a bit to have to quit from next time. I can't agree with everyone here, about sticking it out because I know how bad panic attacks are. If it's possible can you see your GP doctor, or possibly a walk in clinic, and see if they can give you a non addictive, non benzo drug to take temporarily until you can see your psy doc?


I got my doctor to prescribe me a beta blocker and that helped some. Even benadryl to some extend helped my anxiety if it does so indirectly by helping me sleep.


Ashley if you don't mind me asking which beta blocker did your doctor prescribe and in what way does it help you?  Also, have you ever tried vistari/hydroxyzine?

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I reinstated on a very low dose for a month and it threw me back to acute withdrawal, kindling and starting the healing process from square one.



I've read this so many times.. People reinstate and it makes them worse. Its like the benzos don't work the same way anymore. Good luck and good healing! Jenny

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