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fear of panic attack induced seizure


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I have this I guess "irrational" fear that I'm going to have a seizure and start convulsing whenever I have a panic attack. Now 2 weeks into my taper panic attacks are starting to come up and they are a daily thing. In the Ashton manual it says panic attacks usually go away within 20 min, but mine just build and build in intensity, never decreasing.


Anyway, when my panic attack is at its peak I feel like I am beginning to lose consciousness and feel such a tense wired sensation that I am going to pass out and have a seizure. Ive never actually had a seizure before. Whenever this happens I try and wait it out, but after an hour passes the sensation is so extreme that I feel I need to take an ativan in order to prevent a seizure (I'm afraid I'll have one if I dont take it).


Anyway Ive never actually let go to see if I will lose consciousness and convulse, and its been a year of doing this and I can't deal with it anymore.. Should I just let go and see what happens? When i feel on the verge of losing my control of staying conscious I always try and hang on desperately..Maybe its just a stupid fear and that's why I can't get over my panic attacks. Am I just having an irrational fear?

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Since you've never had a seizure before, yes, this is an irrational fear. I've had panic attack and severe anxiety issues for decades, went through three benzo withdrawals, one of which was a cold turkey off of high doses of Xanax, and I've never had a seizure. Seizures are actually quite rare in withdrawal and if you've never had one there is almost no chance you will.



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Thanks for your reply :) I know in the back of my mind its an absurd fear, I just can't bring (or haven't let myself) let go out ofear that if it does happen, I'm going to go into status epilepticus induced by panic attack stress, and end up with brain damage or dead.


The unconscious feeling and feeling of gagging make me feel like convulsing is what is going to follow.. If only I could get passed this then I'd be able to go through with my taper :(

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That feeling is coming again, my muscles are getting tight, I feel like I'm about to die, I feel like I'm going to lose conscious ess and have a seizure or fall into a coma if I don't fight it :(.. Should I just let it take me?
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That feeling is coming again, my muscles are getting tight, I feel like I'm about to die, I feel like I'm going to lose conscious ess and have a seizure or fall into a coma if I don't fight it :(.. Should I just let it take me?


Yes, relax into it.  It will run it's course, usually within a few minutes.  :smitten:

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