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What the heck is up with this 8-9 month wave?


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My symptoms had gotten better from 4 months through 7 months...thought I was over the worse of it but I will be 9 months off of K on January 9th and I have had a rough couple of weeks.  The night terrors and morning cortisol surges are back....anyone else experience a crappy 8 - 9 months off wave? :-[
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Yeah downtowngirl, I had an absolutely horrendous month 9 and like you I had been generally getting better since I can off Valium but in month 9 I felt like I was back in acute - I had terrible anxiety, dp/dr, depression etc. and in the end I just ended up crying in my bedroom. I am, I'm happy to say feeling a lot better, it seemed to last about 3-4 weeks before I started getting better again and now I'm feeling better than ever :) Just ride it out, it seems normal from what I've read on here to have a bad setback around the 8-9 month mark so you can be rest assured that what you're experiencing is pretty normal :)
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This is reassuring to know as I have been really not good these last couple of weeks with a peak on Christmas Eve. I have really struggled ever since. I just put it down to the stress of Christmas and I have been worried of where I am. Mornings have been horrific and usually if I feel bad I will go for a walk but today I have not even been able to do that, just been on the couch. Pushed myself to go to a friends for dinner last night and it turned out good, then bam.

Downtongirl - you jumped 2 days before me. I can't say this has been a steady improvement, infact it has become more difficult since about month 5 although I've had quite a bit of stress to deal with. Are you able to work? I have dragged myself there, tomorrow? I pray for some relief. Hope you feel better soon  :hug:

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This is reassuring to know as I have been really not good these last couple of weeks with a peak on Christmas Eve. I have really struggled ever since. I just put it down to the stress of Christmas and I have been worried of where I am. Mornings have been horrific and usually if I feel bad I will go for a walk but today I have not even been able to do that, just been on the couch. Pushed myself to go to a friends for dinner last night and it turned out good, then bam.

Downtongirl - you jumped 2 days before me. I can't say this has been a steady improvement, infact it has become more difficult since about month 5 although I've had quite a bit of stress to deal with. Are you able to work? I have dragged myself there, tomorrow? I pray for some relief. Hope you feel better soon  :hug:



Hey Marj!  Good to hear from you.  I am sorry you are struggling.  I have been working part time but there are many days I feel I will need to quit.  I wonder what the patterns of the windows and waves will be for the future...I jumped on April 9 and started feeling better the very end of July and did pretty well until October when my dad passed away but still did better than I had expected...did pretty well in November but mid December just after my 8 month mark I have had anxiety and depression creeping back in.  Yesterday and especially this morning have been bad.

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My 6 thru nine months were brutal felt better 4 and five I'm now at 12 with rapid cycling windows waves days of feeling OK rare good days and some bad days with waves but not lasting aslong..it it isn't pleasant.: (
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Thanks for your reply maxi...did the 8 - 9 month wave last every day for 3 - 4 weeks?


No not really, the first week it was pretty much every day but I started to get a couple of ok days in week 2 and it just got better from there really.

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