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At what mg of diazpam did you jump?


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I jumped at .5 mgs at the beginning of the year & had to reinstate after a month.  This time I'm cutting all the way to zero & should be fine. 


NOTE:  I pay very close attention to peoples signatures & noticed the ones that went slow & all the way to the finish line seemed to do so with minimal problems.

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I jumped a 1mg.    It's pretty much a continuation of what you've already been experiencing. 


Before you jump, make sure your sleep schedule is good.  Go to bed and wake up at the same time, no matter what, even if you don't sleep.


Good luck and congrats on your success!!

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That's reassuring.


A big fear of mine is that thing a will get a lot worse, but I agree that things will most likely be a continuation of what I was feeling for awhile and then get better.

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That's reassuring.


A big fear of mine is that thing a will get a lot worse, but I agree that things will most likely be a continuation of what I was feeling for awhile and then get better.


It certainly didn't get worse for me.  IMO: By the time you are this low, the psychological aspect outweighs the physiological aspect. 


Also, it feels SO GREAT to not take that pill before bed that it gave me a a confidence boost - even if I still felt pretty crappy for a while (and still do, a month out... )


Great work, you're there!!

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Thanks Know That Feel,


Almost there. In about 1-3 months. I think around two, I should be jumping. Scary, but relieving thought. But I am starting to think of the finish line already.


I think you make an excellent point about the psychological aspects outweighing the physiological aspects. That really hit home with me.


I think I will too gain confidence not having to take these damm pills anymore, even if I am feeling crappy at the time. It will feel great not to be dependent on them anymore! Biggest achievement of my life!

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Thanks Know That Feel,


Almost there. In about 1-3 months. I think around two, I should be jumping. Scary, but relieving thought. But I am starting to think of the finish line already.


I think you make an excellent point about the psychological aspects outweighing the physiological aspects. That really hit home with me.


I think I will too gain confidence not having to take these damm pills anymore, even if I am feeling crappy at the time. It will feel great not to be dependent on them anymore! Biggest achievement of my life!


Agreed  :thumbsup:



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