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Converting k dose to micro scale


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I have been dry cutting and got a bit anxious about how accurate my doses were so I ordered a micro scale. I think we figured out how to convert my dose. .46875 was the scrip amount for my total daily. But now switching to the micro number I am going to get confused about how to add up what I need for my next scrips.

It should not be too hard at this point but down the road once I get under 1/4 of a .5 tab not sure how to figure it out and I don't want extra!


My insurance will only give me 30 days at a time with 2 refills, a lot of doc appts. But I am glad they are strict.


I keep holding and only cutting once a month or so but hoping to be more aggressive in the coming months. Been on this crap for 14 years now!


Thinking ahead to ask before my brain gets more scrambled!


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