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anyone else get daily waves and windows ??


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I seem to be reading alot of other buddies having waves and windows for days / weeks. Mine seem to be a daily rollercoaster generally feeling pretty average but with highs and lows. I get to the point i can barely move for a few hours then ill have a window for an hour and feel nearly normal generally towards bedtime . No anxiety , that hasnt really been an issue just really lethargic, sore joints, derealisation and cog fog.


anyone else??


I take my dose first thing in the morning

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Yes. Yesterday I felt perfectly normal most of the day without any symptoms.  Around 6:00 pm I felt like I was having a heart attack or stroke, mostly from an anxiety rush I got from my arm feeling numb & tingly.  One minute I can be great & the next "Bam!".


I find it encouraging to have these windows though & I try to just stay calm during the waves & ride it out knowing it will pass.

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I had a daily pattern that was the same almost every day for a very long time:  extreme anxiety and countless other symptoms in the morning and up till lunch, then a gradual improvement in the afternoon.  At about 4pm, something happened like a switch being thrown, and I often felt normal or even better than normal in the evening.  But then, the next morning, it began all over again.  Groundhog day!



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I have this, mostly morning depression....gets gradually better in the afternoon.  I feel like I'm dead every morning...





I had a daily pattern that was the same almost every day for a very long time:  extreme anxiety and countless other symptoms in the morning and up till lunch, then a gradual improvement in the afternoon.  At about 4pm, something happened like a switch being thrown, and I often felt normal or even better than normal in the evening.  But then, the next morning, it began all over again.  Groundhog day!



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It seems like a sign of healing.  I mean, to actually have no symptoms for hours is amazing to me even though I will most likely be hit with some crazy symptom within hours of the window. 
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JerryK:  I've aborted my taper before as well & the good thing was my maintenance dose was much lower than what I was on.  I was on 3 mgs & got down to 2 mgs of Diazepam sometime during this year without even knowing it.  Much better than when I was taking 1 -3 mgs of Ativan!  I just picked up tapering again after I realized I could continue.
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