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Sleep pattern


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Does anyone have insomnia for a week or two and then it goes for a week or two. And then the pattern repeats the next month? Within a month I ALWAYS have a week at least of insomnia.

Just wondering if some people do not have it constantly but acutely at times and not at all at other times.

Sleep deprived so hope this makes some sense.


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Thank you for replying. Can you put it down to anything at all? I thought it might be hormones for me so I hope more men post and blow that theory out the window.

How do you get through those week/s of little sleep?

Do you cope or find yourself losing the plot?


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I'm yet to find a trigger or pattern.


Been laying in bed for almost 2 hours on my phone.


When I have these days, I try to really be hopeful in my thinking. Need to believe this will get better. Need to remind myself it feels better than benzos.

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