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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Diazepam Taper


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With my doctors help I am tapering off Diazepam. Right now I am on 10mg four times a day. What would you suggest is a good amount to taper and for how long each time? In September I was taken off Xanax cold turkey and had three seizures. I went 12 weeks clean (but in a living hell) until I had to give in. This was around Thanksgiving. I needed to stabilize my mind and body. My new doctor thinks half a pill a day cut down for two weeks is good. Whey do all of you think?
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Woah , that is way to fast ! 5 to 10% cut every 2 to 4 weeks depending on how you go . Listen to your body and if you feel shocking hold that cut until you stabalise . Its going to take awhile mate , getting off benzos isnt easy . I went in to hard and payed the price! take your time and take it slow


Good luck !

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I found that too fast of a cut also. I will talk to him and others at out group meeting today. I like this new doctor. He is benzo wise and there is a weekly support group. Maybe I misunderstood him in what he wants to cut.
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What Lockie said!  No more than 5 - 10% every 2 - 4 weeks.  I went too fast & because of that I had to reinstate & up-dose many times.  I would be done if I just had taken it really, really slow.  I notice form peoples success story that this is the key.


Woah , that is way to fast ! 5 to 10% cut every 2 to 4 weeks depending on how you go . Listen to your body and if you feel shocking hold that cut until you stabalise . Its going to take awhile mate , getting off benzos isnt easy . I went in to hard and payed the price! take your time and take it slow


Good luck !

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I plan to cut my V by 5% every three weeks, so I'll be on this board until I retire.  ;D






BG, your comments always make my day!!!! :thumbsup:


take care

eva :smitten:

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LOL.  I know it seems like that but if I had done 10% every week or two like I'm doing now, I'd been done 6 to 10 months ago.  5% every 3 weeks would definitely take awhile. You would only want to go that low if your symptoms were bad.  Take it as slow as you can without getting bad symptoms.
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