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I can't live with this fear of electricity anymore please help me


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Hi please help me someone.


I was prescribed lorazepam for a nasty fear of electricity in 2004 and it worked great for 6years until I reached tolerance at 9mg and had to withdraw.


I suffered with severe anxiety for 18 months and my fear of electricity returned but I managed to conquer it with exposure therapy. I still had very high anxiety so my doctor reinstated me on 30mg diazepam per day. This did nothing to help and he then told me to wean off it 5mg a month and when I got to 7.5mg he told me to just stop taking it.


I did what he said and now believe I am in a severe withdrawal syndrome but the most distressing thing is that the fear of electricity has returned at a more intense level than before the lorazepam and it is not responding to therapy this time.


I am very scared about this and wondered if anyone has any idea whether the withdrawal could be contributing to this worsening of fear in any way?


Why can't I conquer it again I have been trying so hard? I am terrified that this fear is not going to get better and that I will have to live without electricity in my life. This would be unbearable, I will not be able to live a normal life.


Please help me someone I am desperate for hope.


I hope someone will reply

Thank you.

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Conquering your fears will come during benzo withdrawal. I have a fear of suffocation and benzo withdrawal knows how to mess with that. Your biggest fears are exaggerated in benzo withdrawal. Wait for the withdrawal to be over or at least get to a manageable point and then start conquering your fears.


May I ask what scares you about electricity?

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Please remember this fear is probably greatly exaggerated during withdrawal, and will subside in time and you will then be able to do exposure therapy again. This heightened sense of fear is only temporary. I promise.
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With what I have seen in all the stories that I have read (IMO), all fears and phobias that you had before benzos are likely to be magnified during withdrawal. In general, it will get better with time, I promise you.

Could you please elaborate more about your electricity phobia?

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