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8 months off Christmas day!


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What a way to bring in the holiday! Celebrating 8 months off  :smitten:


Let's start with the good:


In the past month I've seen more windows than ever. Thank God! I had a couple of windows that lasted 2 days in a row.


My baseline is higher! I would have waves but once they ended I felt more stable!


I was able to do more with my son. Took him to the historic district to see the big tree and we went to the riverfront and we went to a big Christmas dinner last night! Just to name a few.  :thumbsup:


I still have inner ear problems but I will say that my balance got a lot better in the past month and for example I was able to stand in lines without a shopping cart or any assistance and walk across large stores without holding on to a cart or a stroller as well.


Wow! all of this is a huge difference compared to the month prior!


things I'm still dealing with are anxiety and shortness of breath and inner ear disturbance.


The inner ear stuff causes balance issues, rocky boat sensation, slight dizziness.


Let the good times roll. Praying I see even more windows and hey...maybe some symptoms even drop off the next month.


Happy 8 months off to Drew!


Onward and upward! praying for continued healing for us all.


Godspeed!  :angel:

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Hi LovingMother! Congratulations! 8 months off!

I am sure your symtoms decrease very quickly! Healing is coming!!!

Happy to hear you had nice time with your son! :smitten:

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Hi LM!  :smitten:


So happy to hear you are feeling better and enjoying your son! I'm just 6 weeks behind you, so it's lovely to hear of your progress.  I understand the inner ear thing, I get dizzy a lot too, and balance off especially in a.m.  I hold onto the cart in store also, though I'm letting hubs take the wheel more now, lol


Prayers for continued healing, and much love.



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thank you everyone it has been quite the journey there is still a ways to go but it was really nice to have way more windows and I'm really optimistic about what's up ahead for not just myself but for us all  :smitten:
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I am very happy for you, looking at your recovery reports every month I can see that you are very close to complete healing... Wish you a happy new year with more improvement and success history.  :thumbsup:
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I am very happy for you, looking at your recovery reports every month I can see that you are very close to complete healing... Wish you a happy new year with more improvement and success history.  :thumbsup:


Thank You Roberto and Challis! that means a lot to me and even though I left a couple of symptoms off my list the ones I listed are the main ones that are bothering me and the other ones seem to be fading away so Roberto I think you're right and I'm just going to keep hope alive!!!!!

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Congrats, Lovingmother!  I am so happy for you!  8 months!!! WOW!  That is quite the accomplishment.  I am glad you are doing better too!  Keep it up!
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Congratulations I have 11 months out and still have problems with my balance. That along with anxiety have kept me from doing so many things. I am like you keeping the faith and trust that things will get better soon. Does your balance issues keep you from doing ordinary things? I myself can't tell if the balance causes anxiety or the anxiety causes the balance?



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Congratulations I have 11 months out and still have problems with my balance. That along with anxiety have kept me from doing so many things. I am like you keeping the faith and trust that things will get better soon. Does your balance issues keep you from doing ordinary things? I myself can't tell if the balance causes anxiety or the anxiety causes the balance?




Hey Robbie, I went to an ENT doc and she said benzos mess with the inner ear (they supress them) so when we are off our inner ear is learning how to function being off of them. Balance stuff causes anxiety big time. Then when we are super anxious its worse.


A lot of people on here got better (balance and all). I am functional, but there are things I can't do yet (run, dance, perform). I also can't do large crowds right now or be in huge spaces (balance and anxiety sky rocket). But this past month things got better...praying it continues to just get better!


Thanks again for the congrats!

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