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Red/bloodshot eyes?


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Hi there,



Eye problems are a very common withdrawal symptom,I had the red, bloodshot eyes when I was tapering and in early recovery days and my eyes were often sore and my vision blurred, I've also read many posts where this symptom is discussed. Your eyes will clear up when you're benzo free and beginning to heal. Here's an excerpt from a success story I was reading recently where the eye symptom is mentioned :




    "About three weeks ago, I woke up and my wife told me to go look at the whites of my eyes. When I looked they were white! Since that time my sleep has returned and have had not had anymore mental or physical problems."


I hope this helps to reassure you,




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Same for me.  They are the most bloodshot when I get up in the morning. Instead of when I get insomniac.


Yes. This started about 3 weeks ago for me too. In the morning all dry and bloodshot. I use Visine Allergy drops. Very weird!!



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Same for me.  They are the most bloodshot when I get up in the morning. Instead of when I get insomniac.


Yes. This started about 3 weeks ago for me too. In the morning all dry and bloodshot. I use Visine Allergy drops. Very weird!!




I hate it!  I look like a full-blown active alcohol!  Grrrr.  I will try the visine.

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