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So Miserable!!


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I've have been absolutely miserable!!  Feeling horribly ill and weak.  I have been trying to stabilize at my current dosage for over a month.  Updosing hasn't worked. 


I hardly have the strength to do anything.  I've had partial windows here and there.  But, mostly just horribly sick.


At what point do you attempt to cut, if you never get stable?


I have no support and need to be functional.  My pdoc knows nothing about how to taper.



I feel like giving up on my taper, going to V is not an option. 


But, being this sick so early in my taper is any indication, I can't handle it.


Any advise, I'm so lost.



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If holding hasn't worked, updosing hasn't worked, why do you think remaining where you are will? In my case, being sick the entire taper only pushed me to want to get off more. Obviously IMO it's the benzo making you sick, what do you think will happen if you throw in the towel? You have already updosed with no luck. I see the only option is to get off, otherwise the rollercoaster will cont. But this is just how I look this journey.



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Hi, Trying,


How long have you been holding at .428mg K?  I kept thinking I'd reach some kind of plateau while holding, just enough to give me strength to proceed to the next cut, but honestly that didn't happen. I'd have a good day here and there, but all-in-all my body/mind just wanted more Xanax. It felt as if I was denying it every step of the way. I'm finally having more days where I feel normal than not, and that's post jump.  So, I agree with Grinch, but others here have up dosed to stabilize. Problem is with that seems to be that you'll require a lot more to not be in tolerance w/d, and then you have to start over from there. Resist up-dosing.  What is the jumping point for K?

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46 days I've been holding,  I'm at .428 mg twice a day, too high to jump.  Can tolerate Valium.


SCARED don't know what to do.




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46 days I've been holding,  I'm at .428 mg twice a day, too high to jump. Can tolerate Valium.

SCARED don't know what to do.







Do you mean you can't tolerate Valium?

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Hi Try,

I am very sorry you are feeling so unwell, I hope you get stabilized soon. I was also very ill from the 12th last month to the 22nd this month.

Thus in these 2 days I am plannig my switching to solid microtaper....reducing very very very little amount each day. Starting today.

But yet you are cutting by only 2% and holding for long periods of time and you do need to stabilize before making any changes to your taper plan.

I hope some of the experts chime in here, if not you can post in the General Taper plans thread asking for help.

In the meanwhile I send you a Big kiss and my best wishes for you to recover :smitten:



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I'm tapering from K and am having a rough time so I'm sorry you are going through this. It's looks like you went down practically 50 percent in 3 months, is that correct? That's a huge jump. It's seems you are moving fast. is the 2 percent a week from your current dose of 2 percent from the original total dose? Hang in there. It's either stay on these for life or take the road you are taking. If you are determined you can do anything.
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I'm tapering from K and am having a rough time so I'm sorry you are going through this. It's looks like you went down practically 50 percent in 3 months, is that correct? That's a huge jump. It's seems you are moving fast. is the 2 percent a week from your current dose of 2 percent from the original total dose? Hang in there. It's either stay on these for life or take the road you are taking. If you are determined you can do anything.





I reduced my dosage by 15% from mid Sept. To early Nov.  I was making 2% total reductions, taking into consideration both doses,  every 2 weeks.    My last reduction 46 days ago was from .440 mg twice a day to .428mg twice a day.


Thanks for your reply.


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Hi Try.....this is the pits!!!!!  :tickedoff: Im sorry you are struggling.....if I were in your shoes (which I am) I would keep cutting. If your updose didn't work, and you've put in a long hold already, then you really have no other option. I agree with Grinch and I personally would NEVER stay on these insidious drugs after seeing the destruction they cause. If it takes me two years to heal, so be it. It's awful and it hurts and it's scary and I wish I could turn back the clock but I can't. I'm in pain, I'm sick, I'm tired, I'm pissed off and I'm really really sad. But the show must go on.


I hope you feel better  :smitten:

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Hi Try,


I am sorry you aren't feeling very well. I once cut too fast, way too fast and I ended up where you are.  I updosed and got worse and kept getting worse. I finally stabilized at a very bad place with lots of symptoms but at least I wasn't getting worse. I held for a while. I didn't feel ready to cut but tried a very small amount( I'm doing a micro taper) that didn't work. The first night I had a terrible panic attack. So I just held. I ended up holding for six months until I was ready to taper.


I tried to taper again and i was able to taper. I think some people have to hold longer, but try a cut.


Also, you can try liquid. I came to a place higher than I am now where I just couldn't dry cut anymore.

I had to do something, so I switched to liquid and felt better right away. Before that I was so depressed wondering how I was going to get off of this horrible drug. I thought there was no way. There is.


You have options.

I find I have a lot more control over liquid. If you make a mistake you correct it. I've never been sick longer than a week with milk.


Good luck to you. You will feel better.



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Hi Trying


God knows I can see by your signature that your pdoc also made a poor judgement call and you ended up on an incorrect cross taper. The same has happened to myself and its been horrendous. I definitely don't think you should give up.. please don't think of that as an option. You have got this far so please dont taper too fast or updose . My doctor 'advised' me to do this earlier this year and I have definitely paid the price.


The only way is to push on through this. It is hell but we need to fight this. I have and I am still going through desperate pain, mental and physical but I would and will never updose or stay on these drugs.


Take it one day at a time.

You will get better.

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